
Berlin 2014 – scientific programme

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

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Thu, 08:30–09:15 Audimax PV X 08:30 None P SP a P 08:30 SP a
08:30 None P SP b P 08:30 SP b
Thu, 09:15–10:00 Audimax PV XI 09:15 None P SPP a P 09:15 SPP a
09:15 None P SPP b P 09:15 SPP b
Thu, 09:30–12:00 MAG 100 UP 12: Atmosphäre - Labor 09:30 None W QPPPP a W 09:30 QPPPP a
09:30 None W QPPPP b W 09:30 QPPPP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 SPA Kapelle SYET 1: Symposium on Exciton Transfer in Ordered Atomic and Molecular Structures 10:30 None S P a S 10:30 P a
10:30 None S P b S 10:30 P b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 Audimax SYQC 1: The Quantum-Classical Divide 10:30 None TPPP P a TPPP 10:30 P a
10:30 None TPPP P b TPPP 10:30 P b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E34 A 36: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC IV (with Q) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP ZQP a TPPQPPPP 10:30 ZQP a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP ZQP b TPPQPPPP 10:30 ZQP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E42 A 37: Electron scattering and recombination 10:30 None TPPQPPPP ZR a TPPQPPPP 10:30 ZR a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP ZR b TPPQPPPP 10:30 ZR b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E44/46 A 38: Atomic clusters (with MO) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP ZRP a TPPQPPPP 10:30 ZRP a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP ZRP b TPPQPPPP 10:30 ZRP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL SR140/142 A 39: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions IV (with Q) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP [ a TPPQPPPP 10:30 [ a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP [ b TPPQPPPP 10:30 [ b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 DO24 1.103 EP 6: Exoplaneten und Astrobiologie 10:30 None TPPQPPPQ Q a TPPQPPPQ 10:30 Q a
10:30 None TPPQPPPQ Q b TPPQPPPQ 10:30 Q b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL HS213 MO 14: Cold Molecules 2 10:30 None TQ TPQQ a TQ 10:30 TPQQ a
10:30 None TQ TPQQ b TQ 10:30 TPQQ b
Thu, 10:30–12:15 BEBEL SR144 MO 15: Experimental Techniques 3 10:30 None TQ TQ a TQ 10:30 TQ a
10:30 None TQ TQ b TQ 10:30 TQ b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E44/46 MO 16: Atomic clusters (with A) 10:30 None TQ U a TQ 10:30 U a
10:30 None TQ U b TQ 10:30 U b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 DO24 1.205 MS 8: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications 1 10:30 None TR QPPP a TR 10:30 QPPP a
10:30 None TR QPPP b TR 10:30 QPPP b
Thu, 10:30–12:45 SPA HS201 P 21: Plasma Technology II 10:30 None U QPT a U 10:30 QPT a
10:30 None U QPT b U 10:30 QPT b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 SPA HS202 P 22: Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics II 10:30 None U QPTP a U 10:30 QPTP a
10:30 None U QPTP b U 10:30 QPTP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 DO24 1.101 Q 33: Micromechanical oscillators 10:30 None V [ a V 10:30 [ a
10:30 None V [ b V 10:30 [ b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL SR140/142 Q 34: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions IV (with A) 10:30 None V [P a V 10:30 [P a
10:30 None V [P b V 10:30 [P b
Thu, 10:30–12:00 DO26 208 Q 35: Quantum effects: QED I 10:30 None V [PP a V 10:30 [PP a
10:30 None V [PP b V 10:30 [PP b
Thu, 10:30–12:15 UDL HS2002 Q 36: Quantum gases: Effects of interactions 10:30 None V [PPP a V 10:30 [PPP a
10:30 None V [PPP b V 10:30 [PPP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 Kinosaal Q 37: Quantum information: Concepts and methods I 10:30 None V [PQ a V 10:30 [PQ a
10:30 None V [PQ b V 10:30 [PQ b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 UDL HS3038 Q 38: Quantum information: Photons and nonclassical light I 10:30 None V [PQP a V 10:30 [PQP a
10:30 None V [PQP b V 10:30 [PQP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E34 Q 39: Ultracold atoms, ions and BEC IV (with A) 10:30 None V [PQPP a V 10:30 [PQPP a
10:30 None V [PQPP b V 10:30 [PQPP b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 DO26 207 Q 40: Ultrashort laser pulses I 10:30 None V [PQQ a V 10:30 [PQQ a
10:30 None V [PQQ b V 10:30 [PQQ b
Thu, 10:30–12:00 DO24 Reuter Saal AGA 4: Missile Threats and Missile Defense 10:30 None WQP PPQ a WQP 10:30 PPQ a
10:30 None WQP PPQ b WQP 10:30 PPQ b
Thu, 10:30–12:30 Audimax AGPhil 3: Symposium Quantum-Classical Divide 10:30 None WS PPP a WS 10:30 PPP a
10:30 None WS PPP b WS 10:30 PPP b
Thu, 11:50–12:30 SPA SR125 MP 8: Quantenfeldtheorie II 11:50 None TQP TPPP a TQP 11:50 TPPP a
11:50 None TQP TPPP b TQP 11:50 TPPP b
Thu, 12:00–15:00 MAG 100 UP 13: Klimamodellierung 12:00 None W QPQ a W 12:00 QPQ a
12:00 None W QPQ b W 12:00 QPQ b
Thu, 12:00–13:00 DO24 Reuter Saal AGA 5: Verification Methodologies 12:00 None WQP PPR a WQP 12:00 PPR a
12:00 None WQP PPR b WQP 12:00 PPR b
Thu, 14:00–18:00 SPA Kapelle SYPA 1: Plasma Astrophysics 14:00 None SPPP P a SPPP 14:00 P a
14:00 None SPPP P b SPPP 14:00 P b
Thu, 14:00–15:55 Audimax SYPS 1: Velocity map imaging - focusing on intra- and interatomic dynamics 1 14:00 None TPP P a TPP 14:00 P a
14:00 None TPP P b TPP 14:00 P b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E34 A 40: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses III 14:00 None TPPQPPPP \ a TPPQPPPP 14:00 \ a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP \ b TPPQPPPP 14:00 \ b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E42 A 41: Interaction with VUV and X-ray light II 14:00 None TPPQPPPP ] a TPPQPPPP 14:00 ] a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP ] b TPPQPPPP 14:00 ] b
Thu, 14:00–15:30 DO26 208 A 42: Ultracold atoms and molecules I (with Q) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP ^ a TPPQPPPP 14:00 ^ a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP ^ b TPPQPPPP 14:00 ^ b
Thu, 14:00–15:55 Audimax A 43: Velocity map imaging - focusing on intra- and interatomic dynamics SYPS 1 (with jDPG) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP ^P a TPPQPPPP 14:00 ^P a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP ^P b TPPQPPPP 14:00 ^P b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 DO24 1.101 A 44: Precision measurements and metrology I (with Q) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP _ a TPPQPPPP 14:00 _ a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP _ b TPPQPPPP 14:00 _ b
Thu, 14:00–14:45 SPA SR220 GR 20: Main talk: Experimental Gravitation 14:00 None TPPQPQ UP a TPPQPQ 14:00 UP a
14:00 None TPPQPQ UP b TPPQPQ 14:00 UP b
Thu, 14:00–15:30 BEBEL HS213 MO 17: Excitons and Excitation Transfer (SYET 2) 14:00 None TQ V a TQ 14:00 V a
14:00 None TQ V b TQ 14:00 V b
Thu, 14:00–15:45 BEBEL SR144 MO 18: Theory 3: Quantum Chemistry 14:00 None TQ W a TQ 14:00 W a
14:00 None TQ W b TQ 14:00 W b
Thu, 14:00–14:40 SPA SR125 MP 9: HV Quantenfeldtheorie 14:00 None TQP TQ a TQP 14:00 TQ a
14:00 None TQP TQ b TQP 14:00 TQ b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 DO24 1.205 MS 9: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications 2 14:00 None TR R a TR 14:00 R a
14:00 None TR R b TR 14:00 R b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 SPA HS201 P 23: Low Temperature Plasmas II 14:00 None U QPTQ a U 14:00 QPTQ a
14:00 None U QPTQ b U 14:00 QPTQ b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 SPA HS202 P 24: Laser Plasmas I 14:00 None U QPTQP a U 14:00 QPTQP a
14:00 None U QPTQP b U 14:00 QPTQP b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 DO24 1.101 Q 41: Precision measurements and metrology I 14:00 None V [PQQP a V 14:00 [PQQP a
14:00 None V [PQQP b V 14:00 [PQQP b
Thu, 14:00–15:30 UDL HS2002 Q 42: Quantum gases: Disorder- or interaction-induced effects 14:00 None V [PQQPP a V 14:00 [PQQPP a
14:00 None V [PQQPP b V 14:00 [PQQPP b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 Kinosaal Q 43: Quantum information: Concepts and methods II 14:00 None V [Q a V 14:00 [Q a
14:00 None V [Q b V 14:00 [Q b
Thu, 14:00–15:45 UDL HS3038 Q 44: Quantum information: Photons and nonclassical light II 14:00 None V \ a V 14:00 \ a
14:00 None V \ b V 14:00 \ b
Thu, 14:00–15:30 DO26 208 Q 45: Ultracold atoms and molecules I 14:00 None V ] a V 14:00 ] a
14:00 None V ] b V 14:00 ] b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 DO26 207 Q 46: Ultrashort laser pulses II 14:00 None V ^ a V 14:00 ^ a
14:00 None V ^ b V 14:00 ^ b
Thu, 14:00–16:00 DO24 Reuter Saal AGA 6: Nuclear Energy Risks and Nuclear Proliferation 14:00 None WQP PQ a WQP 14:00 PQ a
14:00 None WQP PQ b WQP 14:00 PQ b
Thu, 14:00–15:45 SPA SR22 AGPhil 4: Quantum-Classical Divide II 14:00 None WS Q a WS 14:00 Q a
14:00 None WS Q b WS 14:00 Q b
Thu, 14:40–16:00 SPA SR125 MP 10: Quantenfeldtheorie III 14:40 None TQP U a TQP 14:40 U a
14:40 None TQP U b TQP 14:40 U b
Thu, 14:45–15:45 SPA SR220 GR 21: Experimental Gravitation III 14:45 None TPPQPQ V a TPPQPQ 14:45 V a
14:45 None TPPQPQ V b TPPQPQ 14:45 V b
Thu, 15:45–16:05 SPA SR220 GR 22: Numerical Relativity I 15:45 None TPPQPQ W a TPPQPQ 15:45 W a
15:45 None TPPQPQ W b TPPQPQ 15:45 W b
Thu, 16:15–19:00 SPA SR22 AGPhil 5: Quantum-Classical Divide III 16:15 None WS QP a WS 16:15 QP a
16:15 None WS QP b WS 16:15 QP b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 Audimax SYPS 2: Velocity map imaging - focusing on intra- and interatomic dynamics 2 16:30 None TPP PP a TPP 16:30 PP a
16:30 None TPP PP b TPP 16:30 PP b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 Audimax A 45: Velocity map imaging - focusing on intra- and interatomic dynamics SYPS 2 (with jDPG) 16:30 None TPPQPPPP _P a TPPQPPPP 16:30 _P a
16:30 None TPPQPPPP _P b TPPQPPPP 16:30 _P b
Thu, 16:30–18:00 BEBEL E34 A 46: Atomic collisions and ultracold plasmas 16:30 None TPPQPPPP ` a TPPQPPPP 16:30 ` a
16:30 None TPPQPPPP ` b TPPQPPPP 16:30 ` b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 BEBEL E42 A 47: Attosecond physics 16:30 None TPPQPPPP a a TPPQPPPP 16:30 a a
16:30 None TPPQPPPP a b TPPQPPPP 16:30 a b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 BEBEL SR140/142 A 48: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC V (with Q) 16:30 None TPPQPPPP b a TPPQPPPP 16:30 b a
16:30 None TPPQPPPP b b TPPQPPPP 16:30 b b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 DO24 1.101 A 49: Precision measurements and metrology II (with Q) 16:30 None TPPQPPPP c a TPPQPPPP 16:30 c a
16:30 None TPPQPPPP c b TPPQPPPP 16:30 c b
Thu, 16:30–17:15 SPA SR220 GR 23: Main talk: Experimental Gravitation 16:30 None TPPQPQ WP a TPPQPQ 16:30 WP a
16:30 None TPPQPQ WP b TPPQPQ 16:30 WP b
Thu, 16:30–18:15 BEBEL HS213 MO 19: Femtosecond Spectroscopy 2 16:30 None TQ WP a TQ 16:30 WP a
16:30 None TQ WP b TQ 16:30 WP b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 BEBEL SR144 MO 20: Electronic Spectroscopy 2 16:30 None TQ X a TQ 16:30 X a
16:30 None TQ X b TQ 16:30 X b
Thu, 16:30–17:50 SPA SR125 MP 11: Quantenmechanik 16:30 None TQP V a TQP 16:30 V a
16:30 None TQP V b TQP 16:30 V b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 DO24 1.205 MS 10: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications 3 16:30 None TR S a TR 16:30 S a
16:30 None TR S b TR 16:30 S b
Thu, 16:30–18:15 SPA HS201 P 25: Low Temperature Plasmas III 16:30 None U R a U 16:30 R a
16:30 None U R b U 16:30 R b
Thu, 16:30–17:15 SPA HS202 P 26: Laser Plasmas II 16:30 None U RP a U 16:30 RP a
16:30 None U RP b U 16:30 RP b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 DO24 1.101 Q 47: Precision measurements and metrology II 16:30 None V ^P a V 16:30 ^P a
16:30 None V ^P b V 16:30 ^P b
Thu, 16:30–18:00 DO26 208 Q 48: Quantum effects: Interference and correlations I 16:30 None V ^Q a V 16:30 ^Q a
16:30 None V ^Q b V 16:30 ^Q b
Thu, 16:30–18:15 UDL HS2002 Q 49: Quantum gases: Lattices I 16:30 None V ^QP a V 16:30 ^QP a
16:30 None V ^QP b V 16:30 ^QP b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 Kinosaal Q 50: Quantum information: Concepts and methods III 16:30 None V ^QQ a V 16:30 ^QQ a
16:30 None V ^QQ b V 16:30 ^QQ b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 UDL HS3038 Q 51: Quantum information: Photons and nonclassical light III 16:30 None V ^QQP a V 16:30 ^QQP a
16:30 None V ^QQP b V 16:30 ^QQP b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 BEBEL SR140/142 Q 52: Ultracold atoms, ions and BEC V (with A) 16:30 None V ^R a V 16:30 ^R a
16:30 None V ^R b V 16:30 ^R b
Thu, 16:30–18:30 DO26 207 Q 53: Ultrashort laser pulses III 16:30 None V _ a V 16:30 _ a
16:30 None V _ b V 16:30 _ b
Thu, 16:30–17:30 DO24 Reuter Saal AGA 7: Nuclear Proliferation 16:30 None WQP Q a WQP 16:30 Q a
16:30 None WQP Q b WQP 16:30 Q b
Thu, 17:15–18:15 SPA SR220 GR 24: Numerical Relativity II 17:15 None TPPQPQ WPP a TPPQPQ 17:15 WPP a
17:15 None TPPQPQ WPP b TPPQPQ 17:15 WPP b
Thu, 17:30–19:00 DO24 Reuter Saal AGA 8: Verification by Noble Gas Detection 17:30 None WQP R a WQP 17:30 R a
17:30 None WQP R b WQP 17:30 R b
Thu, 17:50–18:50 SPA SR125 MP 12: Verschiedenes 17:50 None TQP W a TQP 17:50 W a
17:50 None TQP W b TQP 17:50 W b
Thu, 18:00–18:30 SPA Kapelle EP 7: Sonne und Heliosphäre (I) 18:00 None TPPQPPPQ QP a TPPQPPPQ 18:00 QP a
18:00 None TPPQPPPQ QP b TPPQPPPQ 18:00 QP b
Thu, 20:00–21:00 Audimax PV XII 20:00 None P T a P 20:00 T a
20:00 None P T b P 20:00 T b
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