16:30 |
A 25.1 |
Hyperfine-induced modifications to the Kα1 angular distribution following the radiative electron capture into hydrogen-like ions — •Zhongwen Wu, Andrey Surzhykov, and Stephan Fritzsche
16:30 |
A 25.2 |
High resolution studies of resonant electron-ion recombination processes with an electron beam ion trap — •Stepan Dobrodey, Sven Bernitt, Chintan Shah, Holger Jörg, Stanislav Tashenov, and José Ramon Crespo López-Urrutia
16:30 |
A 25.3 |
New method of measuring metastable states for electron impact on light targets at all scattering angles — •Marvin Weyland, Alexander Dorn, Hans Rabus, Xueguang Ren, Thomas Pflüger, and Woon Yong Baek
16:30 |
A 25.4 |
Giant Effect of the Spin-Orbit Interaction in Coulomb Scattering — •Oleksiy Kovtun, Stanislav Tashenov, Valery Tioukine, Andrey Surzhykov und Vladimir Yerokhin
16:30 |
A 25.5 |
Polarisation measurement of Dielectronic Recombination transitions into highly charged ions — •Holger Jörg, Chintan Shah, Sven Bernitt, Stepan Dobrodey, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov
16:30 |
A 25.6 |
Observation of alignment in Dielectronic and Trielectronic recombination — •Chintan Shah, Pedro Amaro, René Steinbrügge, Sven Bernitt, Zoltan Harman, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, José Ramón Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov
16:30 |
A 25.7 |
Development of novel Rayleigh and Compton polarimeters — •Stanislav Tashenov
16:30 |
A 25.8 |
Electron impact ionization of ultra-cold lithium — •Michael Schuricke, Elisabeth Brühl, Johannes Goullon, Renate Hubele, Hannes Lindenblatt, Alexander Dorn, and Daniel Fischer
16:30 |
A 25.9 |
A single particle detector for electron-ion collision experiments in the Cryogenic Storage Ring — •Kaija Spruck, Claude Krantz, Arno Becker, Alfred Müller, Oldřich Novotný, Stephen Vogel, Andreas Wolf, and Stefan Schippers
16:30 |
A 25.10 |
Spin dynamics in photoelectric effect — •Stanislav Tashenov, Holger Jörg, Darius Banas, Heinrich Beier, Carsten Brandau, Alexandre Gumberidze, Siegbert Hagmann, Pierre-Michel Hillenbrand, Ivan Kojouharov, Christophor Kozhuharov, Michael Lestinsky, Yury Litvinov, Shizu Minami, Henning Schaffner, Uwe Spillmann, Thomas Stöhlker, Andrey Surzhykov, and Sergiy Trotsenko