Berlin 2014 – scientific programme
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 25: Poster: Electron scattering and recombination
A 25.8: Poster
Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 16:30–18:30, Spree-Palais
Electron impact ionization of ultra-cold lithium — •Michael Schuricke, Elisabeth Brühl, Johannes Goullon, Renate Hubele, Hannes Lindenblatt, Alexander Dorn, and Daniel Fischer — Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg
Collisions of simple atomic systems with photons or charged particles and the correlated motion of the ejected electrons are among the most fundamental yet challenging problems in quantum dynamics. In this regard Li is particularly interesting due to the strongly correlated K-shell electrons and the loosely bound valence electron. Thus, ionization dynamics can be probed for very different regimes of initial-state correlation. As it also marks the next step in complexity compared to He, it is an ideal test case to extend the theoretical methods developed for that system to more complex systems.
To study electron impact ionization of Li an electron gun was implemented in a combination of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) and a Reaction Microscope (ReMi), which records the momenta of all charged particles created over the full solid angle. Despite the incompatible magnetic field geometries of the MOT (quadrupole field) and electron detection in a ReMi (constant field), the MOTReMi allows for coincident detection of ions and electrons with unprecedented resolution.
Here, we will present results on single and double ionization of lithium at an electron energy of 500 eV. In the future the electron energy will be reduced toward the double ionization threshold, where the final state is governed by the correlation of the charged particles.