Berlin 2014 – scientific programme
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 30: Interaction with VUV and X-ray light I
A 30.6: Talk
Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 15:30–15:45, BEBEL E42
XUV-pump/IR-probe studies of photoionization and dissociation of N2O — •Michael Schoenwald1, Philipp Coerlin1, Andreas Fischer1, Alexander Sperl1, Arne Senftleben1,2, Joachim Ullrich3, Thomas Pfeifer1, and Robert Moshammer1 — 1Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Deutschland — 2Institut fuer Physik, Universitaet Kassel, Deutschland — 3Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Deutschland
Single and double photoionization of nitrous oxide (N2O) has been investigated by means of kinematically complete XUV-pump/IR-probe experiments using a reaction microscope. A train of attosecond XUV pulses, produced via high harmonic generation in an Ar-filled gas cell, covers the energy range from 20-50 eV. Here, we concentrate on the XUV induced creation of excited cations N2O+* in a state near the double ionization threashold. Besides stable N2O+* ions, which can be detected directly, the molecular ions can either dissociate into a charged and a neutral fragment or they autoionize into N2O2+. The latter leads to Coulomb-explosion into two charged fragments that are detected in coincidence (N2O2+→ N++NO+ or N2O2+→ N2++O+). An enhancement of double ionization in the presence of the IR-probe pulse was observed. The strength of the influence of the IR pulse seems to be different for the two different decay channels[1]. First results of our measurements will be presented and discussed.
[1] X.Zhou et al., Nature Physics Vol.8, March 2012