
Berlin 2014 – scientific programme

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 53: Precision measurements and metrology III (with Q)

Friday, March 21, 2014, 10:30–12:30, DO24 1.101

10:30 A 53.1 Group Report: Towards the Quantum Limit: Update from the AEI 10-meter Prototype — •Conor Mow-Lowry and the 10m prototype team
11:00 A 53.2 Growing and characterisation of (thorium-doped) calcium fluoride crystals for a solid-state nuclear clock — •Matthias Schreitl, Georg Winkler, Christoph Tscherne, Simon Stellmer, Philipp Dessovic, Peter Mohn, Robert Jackson, and Thorsten Schumm
11:15 A 53.3 Characterization of a Transportable Strontium Lattice Clock — •Stefan Vogt, Sebastian Häfner, Stephan Falke, Uwe Sterr, and Christian Lisdat
11:30 A 53.4 Spectroscopy of the 1S0→ 3P0 clock transition in magnesium — •André Kulosa, Steffen Rühmann, Dominika Fim, Klaus Zipfel, Steffen Sauer, Birte Lampmann, Leonie Theis, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Rasel
11:45 A 53.5 Detection of a single charge using the NV center in diamondFlorian Dolde, Marcus Doherty, Julia Michl, •Ingmar Jakobi, Philipp Neumann, Neil Manson, and Jörg Wrachtrup
12:00 A 53.6 Long spin coherence of nitrogen-vacancy centres in high purity nanodiamondsDhiren Kara, •Helena Knowles, and Mete Atature
12:15 A 53.7 Angle Resolved Electric Field Sensing with Single Spin Defects in Solids — •Julia Michl, Marcus Doherty, Ingmar Jakobi, Florian Dolde, Philipp Neumann, Tokuyuki Teraji, Junichi Isoya, and Jörg Wrachtrup
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