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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 2: Erdnaher Weltraum
EP 2.1: Hauptvortrag
Montag, 17. März 2014, 16:30–17:00, DO24 1.103
Modeling of the solar impact on the climate system — •Eugene Rozanov — PMOD/WRC and IAC ETHZ
The solar magnetic activity variations modulate both the solar spectral irradiance and energetic particle precipitation affecting the energy deposition followed by an alteration of the photolysis and heating rates in the Earth`s atmosphere. Subsequent changes of the ozone and temperature distribution have an influence on the stratospheric circulation pattern. In turn, the reconfiguration of the stratospheric winds can affect the wave pattern and surface air temperature distribution. This chain of the physical processes is characterized by downward propagation and lead to the changes of the surface temperatures and the Brewer-Dobson circulation strength. The absorption of the solar visible and infrared radiation at the surface is also able to alternate the energy balance and temperature fields at the surface which can also penetrate upward influencing the atmosphere. Modeling of these processes requires application of sophisticated numerical models which include all relevant processes and their interaction. In this review talk I will discuss all involved mechanisms and their representation in the state-of-art models. Different features of the modeled atmospheric response to solar variability will be presented and compared with the observation data. The implications of the potential weakening of the solar activity in the future will be also discussed.