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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 2: Erdnaher Weltraum
EP 2.3: Vortrag
Montag, 17. März 2014, 17:15–17:30, DO24 1.103
The AFIS experiment: Detecting low energetic antiprotons in a low earth orbit, using an active target detector — •Thomas Pöschl1, Martin Losekamm1,2, Dominic Gaisbauer1, Daniel Greenwald1, Alexander Hahn1, Philipp Hauptmann1, Igor Konorov1, Linxin Meng1, Stephan Paul1, and Dieter Renker3 — 1Physics Department E18, Technische Universität München — 2Institute of Astronautics, Technische Universität München — 3Physics Department E17, Technische Universität München
Since the first observation of geomagnetically trapped antiprotons by the PAMELA experiment and the new results on the positron excess by the AMS-02 experiment, the creation and transport of antimatter in the Earth’s upper atmosphere attracts more and more attention both at theoretical and experimental side. For this reason the AFIS experiment was initiated to measure the flux of low energetic antiprotons in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). We developed an active target detector made from scintillating fibers connected to silicon photomultipliers which allows to detect antiprotons in the energy interval of about 30 MeV - 100 MeV. The stopping curve of incoming antiprotons (Bragg peak) and the signal of outgoing pions created from the annihilation, are used for particle identification as well as triggering.
We plan to implement this detector on a 3 unit cubesat satellite in the framework the ’Move2Warp’ mission, which is carried out as a student project by the Technische Universität München. This work is supported by the Excellence Cluster ’Origin and Structure of the Universe’.