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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 2: Erdnaher Weltraum
EP 2.5: Vortrag
Montag, 17. März 2014, 17:45–18:00, DO24 1.103
Atmospheric Ionization Module OSnabrueck - Update — •Jan Maik Wissing and May-Britt Kallenrode — Universität Osnabrück
The Atmosperic Ionization Module OSnabrueck (AIMOS) calculates the 3D atmospheric ionization rate due to particle precipitation. Including particles of solar and magnetospheric origin AIMOS covers an altitude range from the troposphere (for protons) and mesosphere (for electrons) up to the thermosphere. The model itself is based on a Geant4 Monte-Carlo Simulation for the particle interactions and in-situ particle measurements from the POES and GOES satellites. A user-friendly website allows easy adoption of the AIMOS results on a user-specific model grid.
This presentation will deal with the recent AIMOS version update (v1.6), its motives and implications. Most important aspects to meantion here: (a) applying multiple correction algorithms for the satellite data, (b) adjusting model resolution in main precipitation regions, and (c) switching internal data handling from LT to MLT.
The main differences to the earlier versions are a significant reduction of electron induced ionization rate in the mesosphere and reduced smoothing of precipitation patterns ending up in higher ionization rate in a more defined auroral zone. Where possible these changings will be verified by measurements.