Berlin 2014 – scientific programme
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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 14: Poster Session - Theory and Modelling
P 14.10: Poster
Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 16:30–18:30, SPA Foyer
Configuration path integral Monte Carlo simulation of correlated fermions - Application — •Tim Schoof, Simon Groth, David Hochstuhl, Alex Filinov, and Michael Bonitz — Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Germany
The configuration path integral Monte Carlo (CPIMC) method allows for efficient ab-initio simulations of highly degenerate,
moderately coupled systems with arbitrary pair interactions in a continuous space at finite temperatures [1,2].
Using the worm algorithm [3] gives direct acces to the one-particle Green-function and related off-diagonal quantities.
Results for degenerate, Coulomb-interacting fermions in a two
dimensional trap are presented and the efficiency of the method (fermion sign problem) is investigated
and compared to standard Direct fermionic path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) and an exact diagonalization
method. The details of the algorithm are given in an accompanying poster.
[1] T. Schoof, M. Bonitz, A. Filinov, D. Hochstuhl, and J. Dufty, Contrib. Plasma Phys.
51, 687 (2011)
[2] T. Schoof, S. Groth and M. Bonitz in "Complex Plasmas: Scientific Challenges and Technological Opportunities", edited by M. Bonitz, K. Becker, J. Lopez and H. Thomsen
Springer, to be published 2013.
[3] N. V. Prokof’ev, B. V. Svistunov, and I. S. Tupitsyn, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 87, 310