Berlin 2014 – scientific programme
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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 27: Theory of nonideal Plasmas
P 27.5: Talk
Friday, March 21, 2014, 12:00–12:15, SPA HS201
Scaling of Optical Free-Electron Lasers in Traveling-Wave Geometries — •Klaus Steiniger, Alexander Debus, Michael Bussmann, and Roland Sauerbrey — Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany
Optical free electron lasers in the X-ray range using high power lasers are difficult to realize in the standard head-on Thomson-scattering geometry. Problems arise from the nonlinear Thomson intensity threshold and the Rayleigh-length limiting the interaction distance which prevent the SASE process to occur.
These limits can be circumvented in a Travelling-wave Thomson-scattering (TWTS) geometry, in which ultrashort and narrow-band light pulses in the X-Ray region of the spectrum are created by scattering high intensity laser pulses from relativistic electron bunches. TWTS uses lasers with a pulse front tilt in a sidescattering geometry to scale the interaction length into the centimeter to meter range with undulator periods in the region of one hundred to a few hundred micrometer.
Starting from a fully 3D, wave-optical representation of the TWTS pulse, including its dispersion properties, we present a self-consistent 1.5D FEL-theory which accounts for the coupling of the obliquely incident laser pulse to the electron dynamics. Furthermore, we give scaling laws on the interaction geometry and FEL-amplification with respect to incidence angle and electron beam parameters. Using these findings we discuss possible experimental scenarios and its requirements on laser pulses and electron beams.