
Berlin 2014 – scientific programme

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 30: Plasma Wall Interactions

P 30.1: Invited Talk

Friday, March 21, 2014, 14:00–14:30, SPA HS202

The material system beryllium-nitrogen-deuterium: review of recent results — •Timo Dittmar1, R. P. Doerner2, M. Köppen1, A. Kreter1, Ch. Linsmeier1, M. Oberkofler3, and T. Schwarz-Selinger31Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung - Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany — 2Center for Energy Research, UC San Diego, San Diego, USA — 3Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 85748 Garching, Germany

Beryllium has been chosen as first-wall amour material in JET-ILW and ITER. Due to the usage of N seeding in current tokamaks and a possible use of N in ITER, the properties of the Be-N-D material system became of greater interest: Ion beam experiments [1] showed the formation of thermaly stable Be3N2. Beryllium samples exposed to D-plasma in the linear plasma device PISCES-B showed a significant reduction in Be erosion rate with N seeding [2]. Measured N/Be and D/Be ratios in codeposits were independent of the N seeding rate (0.8% - 10% N seeding) [3]. Gas balance measurements for N seeded L-mode discharges in JET indicate strong N retention and show a potential increase in D retention [4], possibly due to ND3 formation.

This paper will re-visit and evaluate the available data from the different experiments in order to build a consistent model of the processes relevant for plasma-material interactions in the Be-N-D material system.

[1] Oberkofler et. al. , Nuc. Fus. 50 (2010) 125001 [2] T. Dittmar et al. , Phys. Scr. T145 (2011) 014009 [3] T. Dittmar et al., , JNM 438 (2013) S988 [4] M. Oberkofler et al., JNM 438 (2013) S258

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