
Berlin 2014 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 16: Poster: Quantum information, micromechanical oscillators, matter wave optics, precision measurements and metrology

Q 16.44: Poster

Monday, March 17, 2014, 16:30–18:30, Spree-Palais

Quantum nonlinear optics with an ion crystal in a cavity — •Robert Johne and Thomas Pohl — Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany

Ion crystals represent a versatile platform to engineer spin-spin interactions, which can be induced by an optical force and by coupling of the ions to common vibrational modes in the crystal [1]. This spin-spin interaction has been demonstrated and gives rise to study quantum phase transitions in the framework of quantum simulations [2]. Furthermore, coupling of an ion crystal to a cavity mode has been realized [3]. Here, we theoretically investigate an ion crystal embedded in a cavity, driven by coherent laser pulses. The interplay of cavity-ion coupling and the spin-spin interaction can be used to generate nonclassical spin as well as nonclassical light states with high fidelity. Moreover, this system holds the potential for engineering photon-photon interactions and as a quantum light-matter interface.

[1] D. Porras and J. I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 207901 (2004) [2] R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Nature Physics 8, 277 (2012) [3] P. F. Herskind et al. Nature Physics 5, 494 (2009)

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