Berlin 2014 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 44: Quantum information: Photons and nonclassical light II
Q 44.6: Talk
Thursday, March 20, 2014, 15:15–15:30, UDL HS3038
BosonSampling with controllable distinguishability — •Max Tillmann — Universität Wien, Photonic Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation, Wien, Österreich
Intermediate models of quantum computation have opened an alternative scheme to experimentally prove the supremacy of quantum information processing. In the case of photons, BosonSampling computers have raised significant interest by solving computational hard problems very resource efficient. Indistinguishable photons are processed via passive optical networks and a photon counting measurement is performed. While a few dozen of photons and sufficiently large optical interferometers hold the promise to outperform conventional computers, error-correction schemes are limited. Therefore a evaluation of possible error sources is important for the correct operation of a BosonSampler. Especially distinguishability of the processed photons may limit scalability of this computational model. We introduce and experimentally test a scheme to relate the computational result to the transition-matrix immanants. These generalizations of the permanent give access to tighter estimates of the underlying BosonSampling distribution and thus might become a crucial tool for such computations under realistic experimental conditions.