
Berlin 2014 – scientific programme

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SYAD: Symposium SAMOP Dissertation-Prize 2014

SYAD 1: Symposium SAMOP Dissertation-Prize 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 10:30–12:30, Audimax

10:30 SYAD 1.1 Invited Talk: Rotationally resolved fluorescence spectroscopy - from neurotransmitter to conical intersection — •Christian Brand
11:00 SYAD 1.2 Invited Talk: Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms: Beyond standard optical lattices — •Philipp Hauke
11:30 SYAD 1.3 Invited Talk: Degenerate quantum gases of alkaline-earth atoms — •Simon Stellmer
12:00 SYAD 1.4 Invited Talk: One step beyond entanglement: general quantum correlations and their role in quantum information theory — •Alexander Streltsov
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