15:00 |
BE 2.1 |
Status of Single-Shot EOSD Measurements at ANKA — •Nicole Hiller, Andrii Borysenko, Edmund Hertle, Anke-Susanne Müller, Michael J. Nasse, Patrik Schönfeldt, Marcel Schuh, Nigel Smale, Peter Peier, Bernd Steffen, Volker Schlott, Benjamin Kehrer, and Vitali Judin
15:30 |
BE 2.2 |
Emulated balanced detection of fast pulses by using a single detector — •Johannes Steinmann, Erik Bründermann, and Anke-Susanne Müller
15:45 |
BE 2.3 |
Online Burst Analysis of Coherent THz Radiation at ANKA — •Miriam Brosi, Michele Caselle, Edmund Hertle, Vitali Judin, Anke-Susanne Müller, Nigel Smale, and Johannes Steinmann
16:00 |
BE 2.4 |
First Results of the new bunch-by-bunch feedback system at ANKA — •Edmund Hertle, Markus Höner, Erhard Huttel, Anke-Susanne Müller, Nigel Smale, and Dmitry Teytelman
16:15 |
BE 2.5 |
Design of a compact setup to determine beam energy by detection of Compton backscattered photons at ANKA — •Cheng Chang, David Batchelor, Edmund Hertle, Erhard Huttel, Vitali Judin, Anke-Susanne Müller, Michael Nasse, Marcel Schuh, and Johannes Steinmann
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
BE 2.6 |
Status of bunch-by-bunch feedback systems at the DELTA storage ring used for electron beam diagnostics* — •Markus Höner, Svenja Hilbrich, Holger Huck, Maryam Huck, Shaukat Khan, Arne Meyer auf der Heide, Carsten Mai, Robert Molo, Helge Rast, Andreas Schick, Malte Sommer, and Peter Ungelenk
17:00 |
BE 2.7 |
First Considerations on a Broadband TM11-RF-Kicker for Transverse Bunch-By-Bunch-Feedback in Comparison with a Standard Stripline Kicker* — •Malte Sommer, Thomas Weis, Bernard Riemann, and Markus Höner
17:15 |
BE 2.8 |
Cone-shaped pickups upgrade for the 40 GHz Bunch Arrival-time Monitors at FLASH and European XFEL — •Aleksandar Angelovski, Andreas Penirschke, Marie Kristin Czwalinna, Cezary Sydlo, Christopher Gerth, Holger Schlarb, Silke Vilcins-Czvitkovits, Thomas Weiland, and Rolf Jakoby
17:30 |
BE 2.9 |
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