Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BE 3: New Accelerator Concepts
Dienstag, 1. April 2014, 09:30–12:30, MOL 213
09:30 |
BE 3.1 |
Laser-Plasma Acceleration in Hamburg — •Andreas R. Maier
10:00 |
BE 3.2 |
Diagnostik-Beamline mit Transversal-Gradient-Undulator am Laser-Wakefield-Beschleuniger in Jena — •Christina Widmann, Veronica Afonso Rodriguez, Axel Bernhard, Robert Rossmanith, Walter Werner, Anke-Susanne Müller, Maria Nicolai, Alexander Sävert, Malte Kaluza und Maria Reuter
10:15 |
BE 3.3 |
Simulation der Strahlung von Elektronen in einem zylindrischen TG-Undulator — •Nils Braun, Verónica Afonso Rodríguez, Axel Bernhard, Peter Peiffer, Robert Rossmanith, Christina Widmann, Tilo Baumbach und Michael Scheer
10:30 |
BE 3.4 |
Synthetic Diagnostics of Radiation Phenomena in the Particle-in-Cell Code PIConGPU — •Richard Pausch, Michael Bussmann, Heiko Burau, Alexander Debus, Axel Huebl, Arie Irman, Ulrich Schramm, and René Widera
10:45 |
BE 3.5 |
On the plasma lens effect in a hybrid plasma accelerator — •Thomas Heinemann, Oliver Karger, Constantin Aniculaesei, Bernhard Hidding, and Stephan Kuschel
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
BE 3.6 |
Laser acceleration of electrons at a dielectric grating structure — •Peter Hommelhoff
11:45 |
BE 3.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:00 |
BE 3.8 |
Towards high transformer ratios for plasma wakefield acceleration at PITZ — •Galina Asova, Anne Oppelt, Frank Stephan, and Thomas Vinatier
12:15 |
BE 3.9 |
Controlled injection of plasma electrons into a beam-driven wakefield using the density down-ramp technique at Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) — •Olena Kononenko, Christopher Behrens, John Dale, Julia Grebenyuk, Vladyslav Libov, Timon Mehrling, Alberto Martinez de la Ossa, Halil Olgun, Charlotte Palmer, Lucas Schaper, and Jens Osterhoff