09:30 |
BE 7.1 |
BESSY_VSR: Upgrade einer Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle zum gleichzeitigen Betrieb mit langen und kurzen Bunchen — •Andreas Jankowiak, Godehard Wüstefeld, Martin Ruprecht, Paul Goslawski, Markus Ries, Jens Knobloch, Peter Kuske und Axel Neumann
10:00 |
BE 7.2 |
Analysis of Coupled Bunch Instabilities in BESSYVSR — •Martin Ruprecht, Paul Goslawski, Andreas Jankowiak, Markus Ries, Godehard Wüstefeld, and Thomas Weis
10:15 |
BE 7.3 |
The Low-α Lattice and Bunch Length Limits at BESSYVSR — •Paul Goslawski, Markus Ries, Martin Ruprecht, and Gode Wüstefeld
10:30 |
BE 7.4 |
A Robinson Wiggler Proposal for the Metrology Light Source — •Tobias Goetsch, Jörg Feikes, Markus Ries, and Godehard Wüstefeld
10:45 |
BE 7.5 |
First measurement results of the CLIC damping wiggler prototype to be installed at the ANKA synchrotron — •Steffen Hillenbrand, Axel Bernhard, Erhard Huttel, Robert Rossmanith, Paolo Ferracin, Daniel Schörling, Alexey Bragin, Nikolay Mezentsev, Vasily Syrovatin, Konstatin Zolotarev, and Laura Garcia Fajardo
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
BE 7.6 |
Coherent Harmonic Generation at DELTA — •Arne Meyer auf der Heide, Svenja Hilbrich, Markus Höner, Holger Huck, Maryam Huck, Shaukat Khan, Carsten Mai, Robert Molo, Helge Rast, Andreas Schick, and Peter Ungelenk
11:45 |
BE 7.7 |
Ultrashort THz Pulses at DELTA* — •Carsten Mai, Lukas-Georg Böttger, Svenja Hilbrich, Markus Höner, Holger Huck, Maryam Huck, Shaukat Khan, Arne Meyer auf der Heide, Robert Molo, Helge Rast, Andreas Schick, Peter Ungelenk, Nicole Hiller, Vitali Judin, Juliane Raasch, and Petra Thoma
12:00 |
BE 7.8 |
Fluctuation of Bunch Length in Bursting Regime: Measurement and Simulation — •Patrik Schönfeldt, Markus Schwarz, Nicole Hiller, and Anke-Susanne Müller
12:15 |
BE 7.9 |
Application of High-Temperature Superconducting Tapes to Insertion Devices — •Christina Meuter, Sara Casalbuoni, Stefan Gerstl, Andreas Grau, David Saez de Jauregui, Tomas Holubek, Wilfried Goldacker, and Rainer Nast