09:30 |
BP 1.1 |
Topical Talk:
What determines the path of kinesin motors along the microtubules? — •Zeynep Ökten
10:00 |
BP 1.2 |
Microtubule rotations reveal the 3D stepping trajectories of motor proteins on microtubule lattices — •Aniruddha Mitra, Felix Ruhnow, and Stefan Diez
10:15 |
BP 1.3 |
The kinesin-8, Kip3, frequently switches microtubule protofilaments in a biased random walk — •Michael Bugiel, Elisa Böhl, and Erik Schäffer
10:30 |
BP 1.4 |
Teams of molecular motors in optical traps from a theoretical perspective — •Florian Berger, Corina Keller, Stefan Klumpp, and Reinhard Lipowsky1
10:45 |
BP 1.5 |
Length regulation of microtubules: the effect of limited resources — •Matthias Rank, Louis Reese, and Erwin Frey
11:00 |
BP 1.6 |
Direct measurement of the pressure generated by a 1D protein gas confined within microtubule overlaps — •Annemarie Lüdecke, Marcus Braun, Zdenek Lansky, Michael Schlierf, Pieter Rein ten Wolde, Marcel E. Janson, and Stefan Diez
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
BP 1.7 |
Stochastic dynamics of small ensembles of non-processive molecular motors: The parallel cluster model — •Thorsten Erdmann, Philipp J. Albert, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
11:45 |
BP 1.8 |
Dynamical Phenomena in Coupled Muscle Myosins — •Lennart Hilbert, Zsombor Balassy, Shivaram Cumarasamy, Anne-Marie Lauzon, and Michael C. Mackey
12:00 |
BP 1.9 |
Single-molecule studies of RNA polymerase I elongation — •Ana Lisica, Marcus Jahnel, Christoph Engel, Patrick Cramer, and Stephan W. Grill
12:15 |
BP 1.10 |
Myosin II Activity Softens Cells in Suspension — •Chii Jou Chan, Andrew Ekpenyong, Jochen Guck, and Franziska Lautenschläger
12:30 |
BP 1.11 |
Linking single-motor dynamics to ciliary ultrastructure using single-molecule super-resolution microscopy in Caenorhabditis elegans. — •Felix Oswald, Bram Prevo, Pierre Mangeol, Jonathan Scholey, and Erwin Peterman
12:45 |
BP 1.12 |
Dynein, microtubule and cargo: a ménage à trois — •Nenad Pavin, Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan, and Iva Tolic-Norrelykke