09:30 |
BP 14.1 |
Langevin simulations of conformational changes in proteins under temperature gradients — •Anne Dorothee Müller and Martin E. Garcia
09:30 |
BP 14.2 |
A multiscale model for fibrinogen — •Stephan Köhler, Martin McCullagh, Friederike Schmid, and Giovanni Settanni
09:30 |
BP 14.3 |
Photoswitchable Dynamics of the Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) in Living Cells of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 — •Franz-Josef Schmitt, Evgeny Maksimov, Vladimir Z. Paschenko und Thomas Friedrich
09:30 |
BP 14.4 |
Glass-like transition in a dry protein: evidence from neutron scattering study — •A.V. Frontzek, S.V. Strokov, J.P. Embs, and S.G. Lushnikov
09:30 |
BP 14.5 |
Computational clarification of structural detail in polyglutamine aggregation — •Markus Miettinen
09:30 |
BP 14.6 |
Local averaging of single particle cryo-electrom microscopy data — •Amudha Kumari Duraisamy and Gunnar F. Schroeder
09:30 |
BP 14.7 |
Ultrafast Side Chain Dynamics of Peptides at the Air-Water Interface — •Michael Donovan, Mischa Bonn, and Tobias Weidner
09:30 |
BP 14.8 |
Thermodynamic characterization of protein folding using Monte Carlo methods — •Nana Heilmann, Moritz Wolf, Julia Setzler, and Wolfgang Wenzel
09:30 |
BP 14.9 |
Dynamics of the family of protein disulfide isomerases. — •Jack Heal, Stephen Well, Emilio Jimenez-Roldan, Rudolf Römer, and Robert Freedman
09:30 |
BP 14.10 |
Influence of surface and subsurface properties on the structure and activity of adsorbed bactericidal proteins — •Christian Spengler, Christian Kreis, Stéphane Mesnage, Hendrik Hähl, and Simon Foster
09:30 |
BP 14.11 |
Resolving conformational switching of AAA+ protease FtsH in real time using single-molecule FRET — •Martine Ruer, Philip Gröger, Nadine Bölke, and Michael Schlierf
09:30 |
BP 14.12 |
Friction between hydrogen bonding peptides — •Julian Kappler and Roland Netz
09:30 |
BP 14.13 |
Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy of Free and Enzyme-bound NADH — •André Weber, Werner Zuschratter, and Marcus Hauser
09:30 |
BP 14.14 |
Adsorption kinetics and structure of hydrophobins at interfaces — •Jonas Raphael Heppe, Hendrik Hähl, Philipp Hudalla, Ludger Santen, and Karin Jacobs
09:30 |
BP 14.15 |
Sorting cryo-EM images into classes of similar molecular conformations — •Michaela Spiegel and Gunnar Schröder
09:30 |
BP 14.16 |
Optical activity of chiral molecules and its analog on a macroscopic scale — •Carina Häusler, Hendrik Bettermann, and Mathias Getzlaff
09:30 |
BP 14.17 |
Competing paradigms of protein dimerization tested by solution SAXS — •Stefano Da Vela, Fajun Zhang, Vasyl Haramus, and Frank Schreiber
09:30 |
BP 14.18 |
Diffusion of peripheral membrane proteins on intracellular membranes — •Julia Hoffmann and Matthias Weiss
09:30 |
BP 14.19 |
Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Obtain Protein Pigment Interaction in Photosynthetic Pigment Protein Complex — •Xiaoqing Wang, Sebastian Wuester, and Alexander Eisfeld