09:30 |
BP 16.1 |
Investigation of the behavior of binary mixtures upon variation of the dynamic asymmetry — •Marie-Luise Braatz, Sebastian Schramm, Thomas Blochowicz, Bernd Stühn, and Bernhard Frick
09:30 |
BP 16.2 |
Mesoscale modeling of aeolian sand transport — •Anne Meiwald, Marc Lämmel, and Klaus Kroy
09:30 |
BP 16.3 |
Railway buckling safety: From Theory to application — •János Török, László Halma, and István Fejér
09:30 |
BP 16.4 |
Continuum Mechanics Simulations of Nonlinear Deformation of Viscoplastic Solids — •Heliana Cardenas and Thomas Voigtmann
09:30 |
BP 16.5 |
Mechanical Properties of Sheared Wet Granular Piles — •Somnath Karmakar, Marc Schaber, Anna-Lena Hippler, Martin Brinkmann, Mario Scheel, Marco Di Michiel, and Ralf Seemann
09:30 |
BP 16.6 |
Stability of Barchan Dune Fields — •Sven Auschra, Marc Lämmel, and Klaus Kroy
09:30 |
BP 16.7 |
Ab-inito MD parameter estimation for Na diffusion in glasses — •Lars Winterfeld and Erich Runge
09:30 |
BP 16.8 |
Non-universal dielectric properties of glasses at very low temperatures — •Annina Luck, Andreas Fleischmann, and Christian Enss
09:30 |
BP 16.9 |
Understanding the properties of two dimensional silica systems — •ProjeshKumar Roy and Andreas Heuer
09:30 |
BP 16.10 |
Understanding the energy landscape of a simple water model — •Katharina Ferling and Andreas Heuer
09:30 |
BP 16.11 |
Compressed exponential decays in correlation experiments: The influence of temperature gradients and convection — •Jan Gabriel, Thomas Blochowicz, and Bernd Stühn
09:30 |
BP 16.12 |
Temperature and pressure dependence of the supramolecular structure of 2-ehyl-1-hexanol and 4-methyl-3-heptanol — •Thomas Büning, Christian Sternemann, Catalin Gainaru, Michael Paulus, Kolja Mende, Florian Wirkert, Irena Kiesel, Johannes Möller, Julia Nase, Stefan Bauer, Roland Böhmer, and Metin Tolan
09:30 |
BP 16.13 |
Molecular Order and Dynamics of Nanometric Thin Layers of Poly(styrene-b-1,4-isoprene) Diblock Copolymers — •Wycliffe K. Kipnusu, Mahdy M. Elmahdy, Martin Tress, Emmanuel U. Mapesa, Detlef-M. Smilgies, Jianqi Zhang, Christine M. Papadakis, and Friedrich Kremer
09:30 |
BP 16.14 |
Intra- and inter-molecular dynamics in the course of vitrification in organic glasses — Ludwig Popp, Benjamin Suttner, •Wilhelm Kossak, and Friedrich Kremer
09:30 |
BP 16.15 |
The potential energy landscape of sheared glass-forming systems — •Markus Blank-Burian and Andreas Heuer
09:30 |
BP 16.16 |
Self-stabilizing Learning Rules in Neural Models driven by Objective Functions — •Rodrigo Echeveste and Claudius Gros
09:30 |
BP 16.17 |
Fluctuations of Probe Particles Coupled to Molecular Motors — •Patrick Pietzonka, Eva Zimmermann, and Udo Seifert
09:30 |
BP 16.18 |
Detention time of a model microswimmer at a plane surface: importance of hydrodynamic interactions — •Konstantin Schaar, Andreas Zöttl, and Holger Stark
09:30 |
BP 16.19 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
09:30 |
BP 16.20 |
Active Turing Systems — •Silke Bergeler, Florian Thüroff, and Erwin Frey
09:30 |
BP 16.21 |
Application of a random fitness landscape model to a long term evolution experiment — •Mares Barekzai, Su-Chan Park, and Joachim Krug
09:30 |
BP 16.22 |
Event chain simulations of polymer bundles — •Tobias Alexander Kampmann and Jan Kierfeld
09:30 |
BP 16.23 |
Estimation of sleep stages and sleep depth dynamics by neural clustering — •Stephan Volkland and Jens Christian Claussen
09:30 |
BP 16.24 |
Extended diffusion model of sleep depth dynamics — •Anna Barkentien and Jens Christian Claussen
09:30 |
BP 16.25 |
Multidimensional epistasis and the transitory advantage of sex — •Johannes Neidhart, Stefan Nowak, Ivan G. Szendro, and Joachim Krug
09:30 |
BP 16.26 |
Adaptive walks in Kauffman’s NK-Landscape — •Stefan Nowak and Joachim Krug
09:30 |
BP 16.27 |
Coexisting autocatalysts generate increasing complexity — •Emanuel Gregor Worst, Philipp Zimmer, Eva Wollrab, Karsten Kruse, and Albrecht Ott
09:30 |
BP 16.28 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
09:30 |
BP 16.29 |
Propagation and propagation failure of waves on excitable tree networks — Nikos Kouvaris, •Thomas Isele, Alexander Mikhailov, and Eckehard Schöll
09:30 |
BP 16.30 |
Dynamics of neural networks with transient synaptic plasticity rules — •Bulcsú Sándor and Claudius Gros
09:30 |
BP 16.31 |
Optimization of complex network for minimizing traffic congestion: case study for a popular internet based service in Serbia — •Igor Stanković, Vladica Tinotor, and Jovan Radunović
09:30 |
BP 16.32 |
Motifs in Triadic Random Graphs Based on Steiner Triple Systems — •Marco Winkler and Jörg Reichardt
09:30 |
BP 16.33 |
Architecture of biologically inspired adaptive transport networks — •Johannes Gräwer, Carl Modes, Marcelo O. Magnasco, and Eleni Katifori
09:30 |
BP 16.34 |
Quantum walks on 1D and 2D quasi-crystals — •Chi-Hung Weng and Oliver Mülken
09:30 |
BP 16.35 |
Transport efficiency in complex networks — •Marco Tabarelli and Oliver Mülken
09:30 |
BP 16.36 |
Feedback control of vorticity in a Newtonian fluid — •Maria Zeitz and Holger Stark
09:30 |
BP 16.37 |
Fractal distributions in a cyclic information-engine with optimal feedback — •Michael Bauer, Andre C. Barato, and Udo Seifert
09:30 |
BP 16.38 |
Feedback control of non-equilibrium dynamics of a multi-layer system of confined colloidal particles in planar shear flow — •Sascha Gerloff, Tarlan A. Vezirov, and Sabine H. L. Klapp