Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 2: DNA/RNA and related enzymes
Montag, 31. März 2014, 09:30–13:00, ZEU 250
09:30 |
BP 2.1 |
Thermal disequilibrium causes natural selection of replicating DNA — •Moritz Kreysing, Lorenz Keil, Simon Lanzmich, Christof Mast, Stephan Krampf, and Dieter Braun
09:45 |
BP 2.2 |
Neutral Evolution of Duplicated DNA: An Evolutionary Stick-Breaking Process Causes Scale-Invariant Behavior — Florian Massip and •Peter F. Arndt
10:00 |
BP 2.3 |
Insights into the thermodynamic profile of "mutated" Cytosine rich DNA strands: A theoretical study — •Vasileios Tatsis and Andreas Heuer
10:15 |
BP 2.4 |
Extreme polymerization and aggregation of DNA/RNA in thermal traps — •Christof Mast, Severin Schink, Moritz Kreysing, Urlich Gerland, and Dieter Braun
10:30 |
BP 2.5 |
Complex RNA folding kinetics revealed by single molecule FRET and hidden Markov models — •Bettina Keller, Andrei Kobitski, G. Ulrich Nienhaus, and Frank Noé
10:45 |
BP 2.6 |
In situ release of DNA from artificial gene carriers — •Natalja Strelnikova, Adriana Toma, Rolf Dootz, and Thomas Pfohl
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
BP 2.7 |
Topical Talk:
Single molecule torque and twist measurements probe the key players of the central dogma — •Jan Lipfert
11:45 |
BP 2.8 |
Hybrid Single-Molecule-FRET-Magnetic Tweezers Probe Force-Dependent Conformational Space — •Marko Swoboda, Maj Svea Grieb, Stephan Friebe, Steffen Hahn, and Michael Schlierf
12:00 |
BP 2.9 |
Probing the kinetics of a model helicase-nuclease with a temperature-controlled Magnetic Tweezers — •Benjamin Gollnick, Carolina Carrasco, Francesca Zuttion, Neville S. Gilhooly, Mark S. Dillingham, and Fernando Moreno-Herrero
12:15 |
BP 2.10 |
RNA folding dynamics studied with structure based models — •Michael Faber and Stefan Klumpp
12:30 |
BP 2.11 |
Kinetics of conformational fluctuations in DNA hairpin-loops in crowded fluids — •Olivia Stiehl and Matthias Weiss
12:45 |
BP 2.12 |
The car--parking model solves the random completion problem of DNA replication — •Jens Karschau, Peter J. Gillespie, J. Julian Blow, and Alessandro P. S. de Moura