Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 23: Cytoskeleton (joint BP/CPP)
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 09:30–13:00, HÜL 386
09:30 |
BP 23.1 |
Topical Talk:
Intermediate filaments - mechanical building blocks and dynamic elements of the cell — •Sarah Köster
10:00 |
BP 23.2 |
Keratin 8/18 Networks and their Interplay with Different Crosslinkers — •Ines Martin, Tobias Neckernuss, Tobias Paust, Michael Beil, Harald Herrmann, and Othmar Marti
10:15 |
BP 23.3 |
The role of keratins for the mechanical properties of keratinocytes — •Gloria Fabris, Ronald Springer, Lena Ramms, Reinhard Windoffer, Nicole Schwarz, Simone Stiefel, Nils Hersch, Thomas Magin, Rudolf Leube, Bernd Hoffmann, and Rudolf Merkel
10:30 |
BP 23.4 |
Correlations in the random hydrolysis model of actin filaments and microtubules — •Thomas Niedermayer and Reinhard Lipowsky
10:45 |
BP 23.5 |
Nematic microstructure in biopolymer solutions — •Marc Lämmel and Klaus Kroy
11:00 |
BP 23.6 |
Elasto-plastic response of reversibly crosslinked biopolymer bundles — •Poulomi Sadhukhan and Claus Heussinger
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
BP 23.7 |
Physical basis of spindle self-organization — •Jan Brugues and Daniel Needleman
11:45 |
BP 23.8 |
Structural and mechanical properties of the kinetochore: a biophysical approach. — •Gheorghe Cojoc, Emanuele Roscioli, Lijuan Zhang, Iva M. Tolić-Nørrelykke, Daniela Cimini, and Juraj Gregan
12:00 |
BP 23.9 |
Network elasticity of microtubules cross-linked with ds DNA — •Meenakshi Prabhune, Knut Heidemann, Max Wardetzky, Christoph F. Schmidt, and Florian Rehfeldt
12:15 |
BP 23.10 |
Fluorescent beads disintegrate actin networks — •Tom Golde, Carsten Schuldt, Jörg Schnauß, Dan Strehle, Martin Glaser, and Josef Käs
12:30 |
BP 23.11 |
Circular Dorsal Ruffles — •Erik Bernitt and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
12:45 |
BP 23.12 |
FtsZ rings and helices: physical mechanisms for the dynamic alignment of biopolymers in rod-shaped bacteria — •Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, Benjamin M. Friedrich, and Nir S. Gov