Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 25: Statistical Physics in Biological Systems (joint DY/BP)
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 09:30–12:00, ZEU 160
09:30 |
BP 25.1 |
Statistics of local multiple sequence alignments — •Pascal Fieth and Alexander K. Hartmann
09:45 |
BP 25.2 |
Optimising the spatial structure of BLN protein models by means of “partial distortion”-quench cycles — •Florian Günther, Arnulf Möbius, and Michael Schreiber
10:00 |
BP 25.3 |
Stochastic Processes with Delays and Their Application to Gene Regulation and Epidemics — •Tobias Brett and Tobias Galla
10:15 |
BP 25.4 |
Environmental effects on DNA denaturation — •Christian von Ferber and Yurij Holovatch
10:30 |
15 min break
10:45 |
BP 25.5 |
Pattern formation in individual-based systems with time-varying parameters — •Peter Ashcroft and Tobias Galla
11:00 |
BP 25.6 |
A time-continuous model for E. coli’s motion using shot noise — •Oliver Pohl, Marius Hintsche, Carsten Beta, and Holger Stark
11:15 |
BP 25.7 |
Self-propelled particles with alignment and anti-alignment — •Robert Großmann, Pawel Romanczuk, Markus Bär, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
11:30 |
BP 25.8 |
Constructing a Stochastic Model of Bumblebee Flights from Experimental Data — Friedrich Lenz, Aleksei V. Chechkin, and •Rainer Klages
11:45 |
BP 25.9 |
Swarming of self-propelled agents with selective attraction-repulsion interaction - From microscopic dynamics to coarse-grained theories — •Pawel Romanczuk, Robert Grossmann, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier