Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 26: Multi-cellular systems and Physics of Cancer
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 11:45–13:30, ZEU 250
11:45 |
BP 26.1 |
Modeling the electrical excitation in a cross section of the human heart with simultaneous consideration of varied cell-type distribution, fiber-angle rotation and stimulation protocol. — •Maximilian Eisbach, Stefan Fruhner, Harald Engel, and Markus Bär
12:00 |
BP 26.2 |
Osmotic effects in MDCK model tissues — •Damir Vurnek, Sara Kaliman, Matthias Gebhardt, Florian Rehfeldt, Katrina Binger, and Ana-Sunčana Smith
12:15 |
BP 26.3 |
Size control on the fly ocellar complex pattern — •Daniel Aguilar-Hidalgo, David Becerra-Alonso, María Carmen Lemos, Antonio Córdoba, and Fernando Casares
12:30 |
BP 26.4 |
Physical Principles of Body Plan Scaling in Planarians — •Steffen Werner, Manuel Beirán Amigo, Jochen Rink, Frank Jülicher, and Benjamin M. Friedrich
12:45 |
BP 26.5 |
A Distinct Intermolecular FasL Distance Triggers Either Apoptosis or Proliferation in Glioma and Pancreatic Cancer Cells — •Cornelia Monzel, Thomas Kaindl, Joel Beaudouin, Susanne Kleber, Marcin Teodorczyk, Motomu Tanaka, and Ana Martin-Villalba
13:00 |
BP 26.6 |
Multiple mutations in hierarchically organized tissues. — •Benjamin Werner, David Dingli, and Arne Traulsen
13:15 |
BP 26.7 |
Computer Simulation of the Metastatic Progression and Treatment Interventions — •Anja Bethge, Udo Schumacher, and Gero Wedemann