Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 28: Protein structure and dynamics II
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 15:00–18:30, HÜL 386
15:00 |
BP 28.1 |
Topical Talk:
Single Molecule Mechanics of Proteins — •Matthias Rief
15:30 |
BP 28.2 |
Variable Temperature Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of an Extremophilic Protein — •Katarzyna Tych, Toni Hoffmann, David Brockwell, and Lorna Dougan
15:45 |
BP 28.3 |
Determining the protein folding core: an experimental and computational approach — •Jack Heal, Claudia Blindauer, Robert Freedman, and Rudolf Römer
16:00 |
BP 28.4 |
Protein dynamical transition * Insights from a combination of neutron scattering and MD simulations — •Kerstin Kämpf and Michael Vogel
16:15 |
BP 28.5 |
Bistable retinal Schiff base photo-dynamics of the histidine kinase rhodopsin HKR1 from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii — •Alfons Penzkofer, Meike Luck, Tilo Mathes, and Peter Hegemann
16:30 |
BP 28.6 |
Terahertz spectroscopy on amino acids — •Sebastian Emmert, Martin Wolf, Peter Lunkenheimer, and Alois Loidl
16:45 |
BP 28.7 |
Genetically Encoded Spin Labelled Artificial Amino Acids — •Malte Drescher, Moritz Schmidt, and Daniel Summerer
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
BP 28.8 |
Structure and dynamics of interfacial water associated with the climate-active ice nucleating proteins probed by sum frequency generation spectroscopy — •Ravindra Pandey, Janine Fröhlich, Ulrich Pöschl, Ruth Livingstone, Mischa Bonn, and Tobias Weidner
17:30 |
BP 28.9 |
Characterizing Protein Adsorption by In situ Atomic Force Microscopy at Single Protein Resolution — •Christian Kreis, Jonas Heppe, Christian Spengler, Hendrik Hähl, and Karin Jacobs
17:45 |
BP 28.10 |
Adsorptive Capability and Conformational Efficiency between Lysozyme and Nanosilica/-diamond at pH=7-13 — •Victor Wei-Keh Chao
18:00 |
BP 28.11 |
Biomolecules at metal interfaces: a novel force field approach including polarization — •Isidro Lorenzo, Hadi Ramezani-Dakhel, Hendrik Heinz, and Marialore Sulpizi
18:15 |
BP 28.12 |
Fibrinogen flexibilty and adsorption properties investigated using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations — Stephan Köhler, Friederike Schmid, and •Giovanni Settanni