Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 29: Networks – Statistics and Dynamics (joint DY/BP/SOE)
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 15:00–18:45, ZEU 118
15:00 |
BP 29.1 |
Chimera states: spontaneous symmetry-breaking in dynamical networks — •Eckehard Schöll
15:15 |
BP 29.2 |
Pattern-matching via a network of phase oscillators of different frequency: A novel Architecture — •Daniel Heger and Katharina Krischer
15:30 |
BP 29.3 |
Data acquistion by vectorization of high resolution images of vascular networks — •Jana Lasser
15:45 |
BP 29.4 |
Structure and Topology of Optimal Transport Networks in Plant Leaves — •Henrik Ronellenfitsch and Eleni Katifori
16:00 |
BP 29.5 |
The topology of adaptively controlled networks — •Judith Lehnert, Philipp Hövel, Alexander Fradkov, and Eckehard Schöll
16:15 |
BP 29.6 |
Hierarchical block structures and high-resolution model selection in large networks — •Tiago P. Peixoto
16:30 |
BP 29.7 |
Temporal networks: Laplacian spectra and synchronization — •Konstantin Klemm, Naoki Masuda, and Victor M. Eguiluz
16:45 |
15 min break
17:00 |
BP 29.8 |
Phase Transitions in Cooperative Coinfections: Simulation Results for Networks and Lattices — •Weiran Cai, Li Chen, Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad, and Peter Grassberger
17:15 |
BP 29.9 |
Stability of Boolean and continuous dynamics — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad and Konsatntin Klemm
17:30 |
BP 29.10 |
Physiological networks studied with time-delay stability analysis — •Jan W. Kantelhardt, Amir Bashan, Ronny P. Bartsch, Shlomo Havlin, and Plamen C. Ivanov
17:45 |
BP 29.11 |
Large networks have small Problems — •Helge Aufderheide and Thilo Gross
18:00 |
BP 29.12 |
Outbreaks of coinfections: the critical role of cooperativity — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad, Li Chen, Weiran Cai, and Peter Grassberger
18:15 |
BP 29.13 |
Onset of self-sustained activity in a simple model of excitable dynamics on graphs — •Christoph Fretter, Annick Lesne, Claus C. Hilgetag, and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
18:30 |
BP 29.14 |
Laplacian Spectrum of 2d Lattice Triangulations — •Ella Schmidt, Benedikt Krüger, and Klaus Mecke