Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 3: Symposium SKM Dissertation-Prize 2014
Montag, 31. März 2014, 11:00–12:40, CHE 89
11:00 |
BP 3.1 |
Interplay of ordering behavior and optical properties in organic semiconductor blends — •Katharina Broch
11:25 |
BP 3.2 |
Fingerprints of Geometry and Topology on Low Dimensional Mesoscopic Systems — •Jan Carl Budich
11:50 |
BP 3.3 |
Spin injection into GaAs - the spin solar cell and spin photodiode — •Bernhard Endres, Mariusz Ciorga, Maximilian Schmid, Martin Utz, Dominique Bougeard, Dieter Weiss, Christian Back, and Günther Bayreuther
12:15 |
BP 3.4 |
Unraveling the impact of subsurface and surface properties of a material on biological adhesion - a multi-scale approach — •Peter Loskill, Hendrik Hähl, Markus Bischoff, Kellar Autumn, Mathias Herrmann, and Karin Jacobs