Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 30: Biomaterials and Biopolymers I (joint CPP/BP)
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 15:00–18:15, ZEU 222
15:00 |
BP 30.1 |
Fabrication of 3D Cell Structures Using Self-Folding Polymer Films — •Leonid Ionov
15:30 |
BP 30.2 |
Surface-Nanostructure Induced Structural and Dynamical Properties of Adsorbing Protein Layers — •Thomas F. Keller, Robert Schulze, Jörg Bossert, Mark Kastantin, Daniel K. Schwartz, and Klaus D. Jandt
15:45 |
BP 30.3 |
On the Relationship between Peptide Adsorption Resistance and Surface Contact Angle: A Combined Experimental and Simulation Single-Molecule Study — •Nadine Schwierz, Dominik Horinek, Susanne Liese, Tobias Pirzer, Bizan N. Balzer, Thorsten Hugel, and Roland R. Netz
16:00 |
BP 30.4 |
Structural investigation of biomineralization processes in bio(mimetic)-materials by means of solid state NMR — •Anastasia Vyalikh and Ulrich Scheler
16:15 |
BP 30.5 |
Elucidating insulin structure at hydrophobic interfaces — •Sergio Mauri, Tobias Weidner, and Heike Arnlods
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
BP 30.6 |
A theoretical study of intermolecular interactions in crystalline cellulose — •Johannes Hoja and Alexander F. Sax
17:00 |
BP 30.7 |
Biomodified, stimuli responsive surface coatings based on polymer brushes — •Evmorfia Psarra, Ulla König, Klaus-Jochen Eichhorn, Manfred Stamm, and Petra Uhlmann
17:15 |
BP 30.8 |
Microtopographic substrates for controlling cell adhesion at the nanoscale — •Laith Kadem, Julia Purtov, Constanze Lamprecht, and Christine Selhuber-Unkel
17:30 |
BP 30.9 |
Thermal Melting of Protein Beta Sheet Crystals — Andreas Wurm, Evgeny Zhuravlev, Xiao Hu, David Kaplan, Peggy Cebe, and •Christoph Schick
17:45 |
BP 30.10 |
Biopolymer Network Mechanics: Nonlinearity and Hierarchy. — •Cornelis Storm