Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 38: Active cell and tissue mechanics (focus session) II
Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 15:00–17:30, HÜL 386
15:00 |
BP 38.1 |
Topical Talk:
Analyzing integrin's force transduction using novel biosensors — •Carsten Grashoff
15:30 |
BP 38.2 |
Transduction channel's gating controls friction on vibrating hair-cell bundles in the ear — •Volker Bormuth, Jérémie Barral, Jean-François Joanny, Frank Jülicher, and Pascal Martin
15:45 |
BP 38.3 |
Mechanical properties of syncytial Drosophila embryos by high-speed video microrheology — •Alok D. Weßel and Christoph F. Schmidt
16:00 |
BP 38.4 |
Active mechanics and dynamics of epithelia during morphogenesis — •Amitabha Nandi, Marko Popovic, Matthias Merkel, Raphaël Etournay, Suzanne Eaton, Guillaume Salbreux, and Frank Jülicher
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
BP 38.5 |
Impact of heating on passive and active biomechanics of suspended cells — •Chii Jou Chan, Graeme Whyte, Lars Boyde, Guillaume Salbreux, and Jochen Guck
16:45 |
BP 38.6 |
The mechanics of cultured cell monolayers — •Guillaume Charras
17:00 |
BP 38.7 |
Individual cell phenotype determines growth modes of cell colonies — •Ben Fabry, Janina Lange, Pamela Strissel, Julian Steinwachs, and Claus Metzner
17:15 |
BP 38.8 |
Furrow constriction in animal cell cytokinesis — •Hervé Turlier, Basile Audoly, Jean-François Joanny, and Jacques Prost