Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 44: Stochastic Dynamics of Growth Processes in Biological and Social Systems (accompanying session, joint DY/BP/SOE)
Freitag, 4. April 2014, 10:00–12:45, GÖR 226
10:00 |
BP 44.1 |
Evolution of increasingly complex linear molecules — •Philipp Zimmer, Emanuel Gregor Worst, Eva Wollrab, Albrecht Ott, and Karsten Kruse
10:15 |
BP 44.2 |
Autocatalysis in a primordial broth — •Sabrina Scherer, Eva Wollrab, and Albrecht Ott
10:30 |
BP 44.3 |
Cooperation in suddenly changing environments — •Karl Wienand, Jonas Cremer, Anna Melbinger, and Erwin Frey
10:45 |
BP 44.4 |
Selection and drift in expanding bacterial colonies — •Fred Farrell, Bartlomiej Waclaw, Davide Marenduzzo, and Oskar Hallatschek
11:00 |
BP 44.5 |
Bacterial population genetics in antibiotic concentration gradients: Accelerated evolution of antibiotic resistance — •Philip Greulich, Bartlomiej Waclaw, and Rosalind Allen
11:15 |
BP 44.6 |
Evolution of the size distribution of colloidal particles: focussing, breakdown of scaling, and asymptotic distributions — •Martin Rohloff and Jürgen Vollmer
11:30 |
BP 44.7 |
Multi-Species Range Expansions: Frequency-Dependent Selection at Rough Fronts — •Jan-Timm Kuhr and Holger Stark
11:45 |
BP 44.8 |
Clonal interference and Muller’s ratchet in spatial habitats — Jakub Otwinowski and •Joachim Krug
12:00 |
BP 44.9 |
A Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition in a Biofilm Growth Model in a Fluctuating Environment — •Florentine Mayer and Erwin Frey
12:15 |
BP 44.10 |
Discrete scale invariance in growing networks — Wei Chen, •Malte Schröder, Raissa M. D'Souza, Didier Sornette, and Jan Nagler
12:30 |
BP 44.11 |
Firm growth and inter-organizational flows in the Stockholm region, 1990-2003 — •Hernan Mondani, Petter Holme, and Fredrik Liljeros