Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 8: Posters: Active cell and tissue mechanics
Montag, 31. März 2014, 17:30–19:30, P3
17:30 |
BP 8.1 |
The 3D Vertex Model for Epithelial Mechanics — •Silvanus Alt, Frank Jülicher, and Guillaume Salbreux
17:30 |
BP 8.2 |
Mechanical cues during early embryogenesis of C. elegans — •Philipp Struntz, Rolf Fickentscher, and Matthias Weiss
17:30 |
BP 8.3 |
Broken detailed balance: A tool for identifying non-equilibrium dynamics — •Christopher Battle, Nikta Fakhri, Chase Broedersz, Fred C. MacKintosh, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 8.4 |
Morphological analysis of epithelial tissues — •Sara Kaliman, Damir Vurnek, Florian Rehfeldt, and Ana-Sunčana Smith
17:30 |
BP 8.5 |
Cellular chirality derives from active torques generated in the actomyosin cytoskeleton — •Sundar Naganathan, Sebastian Fürthauer, Frank Jülicher, and Stephan Grill
17:30 |
BP 8.6 |
Uncovering the slow mode dynamics of migrating tumor cells — •Christoph Mark, Claus Metzner, Julian Steinwachs, and Ben Fabry
17:30 |
BP 8.7 |
Mobility of semi-flexible chains coupled with hydrodynamics — •Won Kyu Kim and Roland Netz
17:30 |
BP 8.8 |
AFM-based indentation measurements of adult zebrafish spinal cord tissue — •Stephanie Möllmert, Veronika Kuscha, Anna V. Taubenberger, Michael Brand, and Jochen Guck
17:30 |
BP 8.9 |
Coordinated actomyosin kinetics in generating pulsatory dynamics — •Masatoshi Nishikawa, Sundar Naganathan, Guillaume Salbreux, and Stephan Grill
17:30 |
BP 8.10 |
Simulation of force transmission in random fiber networks — •Arne Monsees, Julian Steinwachs, Claus Metzner, and Ben Fabry