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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 54: Poster Session 3

Thursday, April 3, 2014, 15:00–19:00, P2

15:00 CPP 54.1 Properties of solvent mixture confined between silica slabs — •Xiangyang Guo, Tobias Watermann, Christoph Allolio, and Daniel Sebastiani
15:00 CPP 54.2 Simulation of polymer melts in confined geometries — •Andre Galuschko, Marco Werner, Michael Lang, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
15:00 CPP 54.3 Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at reflecting substrates for investigation of vertical sample modulations — •Daniela Täuber, Kathrin Radscheit, Michael Schulz, and Christian von Borczyskowski
15:00 CPP 54.4 Diffusive mechanism of linear and branched molecules translocation through the "hairy" microchannels — •Irina Neratova, Torsten Kreer, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
15:00 CPP 54.5 Segmental Mobilities in Polymer Films — •Diddo Diddens, Andreas Heuer, Jörg Baschnagel, and Hendrik Meyer
15:00 CPP 54.6 Thermotropic Orientational Order of Discotics in Nanochannels: An Optical Polarimetry Study and Landau-de Gennes Analysis — •Mark Busch, Sylwia Calus, Carole V. Cerclier, Ronan Lefort, Denis Morineau, Bernhard Frick, Kristina Krause, Andreas Schönhals, Eric Grelet, Daniel Rau, Andriy V. Kityk, and Patrick Huber
15:00 CPP 54.7 Structure and Dynamics of Water in a Porous Silicate: Confinement from First Principles — •Christoph Allolio, Felix Klameth, and Daniel Sebastiani
15:00 CPP 54.8 Mechanical Characterization of single sub-micron Diameter Fibers via AFM — •Benedikt Neugirg, Daniel Kluge, Julia Singer, Hans-Werner Schmidt, and Andreas Fery
15:00 CPP 54.9 New Developments in Laboratory SAXS Instruments — •Bastian Arlt
15:00 CPP 54.10 A high pressure cell for x-ray reflectivity measurements of liquid/solid interfaces and lipid layers — •Paul Salmen, Julia Nase, Benedikt Nowak, Michael Paulus, Florian J. Wirkert, and Metin Tolan
15:00 CPP 54.11 Hybrid GRIN lense microresonator for sensing applications — •Michael Metzger, Andreas Horrer, Sabrina Rau, Günther Gauglitz, Dieter Kern, Monika Fleischer, Dai Zhang, Alfred J. Meixner, and Marc Brecht
15:00 CPP 54.12 Spectroscopy of Dielectric Elastomer Actuators for the Application of Tunable Optical Elements — •Irma Slowik, Markus Franke, Markas Sudzius, Rene Körbitz, Hartmut Fröb, Andreas Richter, and Karl Leo
15:00 CPP 54.13 Simultaneous Mapping of Long-range Attractive and Short-range Repulsive Forces with MUSIC Mode Atomic Force Microscopy — •Diana Voigt, Eike-Christian Spitzner, Fabian Samad, and Robert Magerle
15:00 CPP 54.14 Modular fluidic System for Agglomeration Experiments — •Dominik Gerstner and Tobias Kraus
15:00 CPP 54.15 Implementing a OPV slot dye coating device and determining the ramifications on morphology and device lifetimes — •Sebastian M. Günther, Christoph J. Schaffer, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
15:00 CPP 54.16 High frequency laser modulated AC chip calorimeter — •Yeong Zen Chua, Evgeni Shoifet, and Christoph Schick
15:00 CPP 54.17 Block copolymer based membrane for lithium ion microbatteries — •Majid Rasool, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Hans Beyer, Anna Eberle, Hubert A. Gasteiger, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
15:00 CPP 54.18 Aqueous suspensions of laponite discs under confinement — •Martin Uhlig and Regine v. Klitzing
15:00 CPP 54.19 Self - Sensing Ionic Polymer Metal Composite — •Parisa Bakhtiarpour, Masoud Amirkhani, and Othmar Marti
15:00 CPP 54.20 Characteristics of the Hydrogen Bond Network of Water — •Miriam Jahn and Stephan Gekle
15:00 CPP 54.21 Dielectric effects of sodium salts in aqueous solution — •Klaus Friedrich Rinne, Stephan Gekle, and Roland Netz
15:00 CPP 54.22 Thermodynamic Description of the LCST of Charged Thermoresponsive Copolymers — •Jan Heyda and Joachim Dzubiella
15:00 CPP 54.23 Stimuli-responsive reversible hydrogels from triblock polyelectrolytes and polyampholytes — •Margarita Dyakonova, Maria T. Popescu, Constantinos Tsitsilianis, Konstantinos Kyriakos, Sebastian Jaksch, and Christine M. Papadakis
15:00 CPP 54.24 Small differences with big impact: Reentrant phase behavior induced by multivalent cations in protein solutions — •Marcell Wolf, Fajun Zhang, Felix Roosen-Runge, and Frank Schreiber
15:00 CPP 54.25 Influence of Polycation Molecular Weight and Diffusion Barriers on Interdiffusion in Polyelectrolyte Mulitlayers — •Peter Nestler, Malte Paßvogel, Olaf Soltwedel, Heiko Ahrens, Ralf Köhler, and Christiane A. Helm
15:00 CPP 54.26 Synthesis and characterization of polyelectrolyte complexes — •Christian Kessler
15:00 CPP 54.27 Dynamics of wet colloids under mechanical load studied by 3D confocal microscopyJennifer Wenzl, Laurent Gilson, Ulrich Bröckel, and •Günter K. Auernhammer
15:00 CPP 54.28 Aggregation behaviour of doubly thermo-responsive poly(sulfobetaine-b-(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) diblock copolymers — •Natalya Vishnevetskaya, Viet Hoang, Andre Laschewsky, and Christine Papadakis
15:00 CPP 54.29 Liquid-liquid phase separation in protein - PEG mixtureSaliba Barsaume, •Fajun Zhang, Michael Sztucki, Roland Roth, and Frank Schreiber
15:00 CPP 54.30 Three-body effects for critical Casimir forces — •Thiago Mattos, Ludger Harnau, and Dietrich Siegfried
  15:00 CPP 54.31 The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 CPP 54.32 Self assembly of order micro pore structure prepared by water vapor condensation on evaporative polystyrene solution — •Farid Farajollahi, Masoud Amirkhani, and Othmar Marti
15:00 CPP 54.33 Depletion induced sphere-cylinder transition in C12E5 microemulsion: A Small-Angle X-ray Scattering study — •Masoud Amirkhani, Soheil Sharifi, Sergio Funari, and Othmar Marti
15:00 CPP 54.34 Structure and Conductivity of Liquid Crystals having Carbonate Segments — •Andreas Eisele, Konstantinos Kyriakos, Margarita Dyakonova, Christine M. Papadakis, and Bernhard Rieger
15:00 CPP 54.35 Soret diffusion in ternary organic liquid mixtures — •Matthias Gebhardt and Werner Köhler
15:00 CPP 54.36 Dynamical properties of finite colloidal clusters — •André Schella, André Melzer, Christoph July, and Clemens Bechinger
15:00 CPP 54.37 Diffusion of nanoparticles in red blood cell suspensions — •Vera Forster and Stephan Gekle
15:00 CPP 54.38 Structure and Phase Transitions in a Series of Triphenylene-Based Discotic Liquid Crystals in the Nanoconfined State — •Christina Krause, Franziska Emmerling, and Andreas Schönhals
15:00 CPP 54.39 Molecular Dynamics of a Discotic Liquid Crystals studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering — •Christina Krause, Reiner Zorn, Bernhard Frick, and Andreas Schönhals
15:00 CPP 54.40 Analysis of Particle-Particle Interaction Potentials of Nanoscaled Systems in Aqueous Solutions — •Julian Schulze, Johannes Möller, Michael Paulus, Julia Nase, Metin Tolan, and Roland Winter
15:00 CPP 54.41 Dynamic density functional theory of hard sphere crystals and interfaces — •Mohammad Hossein Yamani and Martin Oettel
15:00 CPP 54.42 Pressure calculation for bidisperse magnetic fluids — •Ekaterina Novak, Elena Pyanzina, Elena Minina, and Sofia Kantorovich
15:00 CPP 54.43 Interferometric measurements of photothermally induced local temperature changes inside solutions of functional gold nanoparticles — •Alexander Nedilko, Malte Linn, Anne Buchkremer, Marco Schürings, Ulrich Simon, Alexander Böker, and Gero von Plessen
15:00 CPP 54.44 Buckling Instabilities of Liquid Crystal Filaments Under Compression Stress — •Tanya Ostapenko, Seyyed Muhammad Salili, Alexey Eremin, Antal Jákli, and Ralf Stannarius
15:00 CPP 54.45 Meanfield approach to describe magnetic properties of anisotropic dipolar particles — •Taisia Prokopyeva and Sofia Kantorovich
15:00 CPP 54.46 Non–additive resistance for the flow of colloids over two barriers — •Urs Zimmermann, Marco Heinen, and Hartmut Löwen
15:00 CPP 54.47 Active Brownian Motion in Crowded Environment — •Parmida Shabestari, Felix Kümmel, Ivo Buttinoni, and Clemens Bechinger
15:00 CPP 54.48 Cargo Transport with Active Brownian Particles — •Jannick Fischer, Felix Kümmel, and Clemens Bechinger
15:00 CPP 54.49 Effective temperature of an active microrheological tracer in colloidal suspensions — •Robert Wulfert, Boris Lander, Udo Seifert, and Thomas Speck
15:00 CPP 54.50 Thermoresponsive switching behavior in thin films of cyclic and linear PNIPAM — •David Magerl, Xing-Ping Qiu, Françoise M. Winnik, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
15:00 CPP 54.51 Networks from amphiphilic star block copolymers — •Xiaohan Zhang, Konstantinos Kyriakos, Maria Rikkou-Kalourkoti, Eleni N. Kitiri, Costas Patrickios, and Christine M. Papadakis
15:00 CPP 54.52 Star-PEG-Heparin-Polyelectrolyte-Hydrogels - Rate Theory and Reaction Kinetics — •Ron Dockhorn and Jens-Uwe Sommer
15:00 CPP 54.53 Polyelectrolyte-4-Arm-Star-Shaped Hydrogels - Swelling Behavior in Different Solvent Conditions — •Ron Dockhorn and Jens-Uwe Sommer
15:00 CPP 54.54 Laser Heated Nanoparticles in a Thermoresponsive PNIPAM Polymer — •Michael Orlishausen and Werner Köhler
15:00 CPP 54.55 Hybrid particle of gold nanoparticles embedded in thermoresponsive microgels — •Maren Lehmann, Sarah T. Turner, Lucas Kurths, and Regine von Klitzing
15:00 CPP 54.56 molecular dynamics simulation of the LCST shifting of modified PNIPAM — •Yongbiao Yang, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Michael Böhm, and Florian Müller-plathe
15:00 CPP 54.57 Wetting induced structure formation in elastic porous media — •Zrinka Gattin, Ohle Claussen, Stephan Herminghaus, and Martin Brinkmann
15:00 CPP 54.58 Measurement of microviscosity in crosslinked polyacrylamide-ferrohydrogels by Mössbauer spectroscopy — •Joachim Landers, Lisa Roeder, Annette Schmidt, and Heiko Wende
15:00 CPP 54.59 Smart surfaces from stimuli-responsive microgels via spin coating — •Johannes Bookhold, Bastian Wedel, and Thomas Hellweg
15:00 CPP 54.60 Characterizing the crosslinking process of PDMS with Rheometry — •Rudolf Hasslacher and Sabine Hild
15:00 CPP 54.61 Vulcanized fiber studied by x-ray diffraction — •Karin Rüster, Dominik Dumke, Michael Paulus, Christian Sternemann, Julia Nase, Johannes Möller, Kolja Mende, Irena Kiesel, Dorothee Wieczorek, and Metin Tolan
15:00 CPP 54.62 Hydration and molecular interactions in PNIPAM films probed with FTIR spectroscopy — •Alfons Schulte, Martine Philipp, Christoph Schaffer, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
15:00 CPP 54.63 In Situ particle degradation of hyperbranched polyglycerol particles via Atomic Force Microscopy — •Marcel Richter and Regine von Klitzing
15:00 CPP 54.64 Using small angle neutron scattering and light scattering to investigate thermoresponsive copolymer microgels — •Bastian Wedel, Johannes Bookhold, and Thomas Hellweg
15:00 CPP 54.65 Charge Storage in β-FeSi2 Nanoparticles — •Jens Theis, Sebastian Küpper, Robert Bywalez, Hartmut Wiggers, and Axel Lorke
15:00 CPP 54.66 In-Situ Observation of Wrinkle-Formation via UV/Ozone Oxidation — •Bernhard Glatz, Moritz Tebbe, Andreas Schedl, and Andreas Fery
15:00 CPP 54.67 Response of gold nanorods in solution to external electric fields — •Christina Lederle, Daniel Scheid, Markus Gallei, and Bernd Stühn
15:00 CPP 54.68 maghemite nanoparticles embedded in thin block copolymer films — •yuan yao, ezzeldin metwalli, bo su, volker körstgens, daniel mosegui gonzalez, lin song, gonzalo santoro, stephan v. roth, matthias opel, and peter müller-buschbaum
15:00 CPP 54.69 Whispering gallery modes in spherical copolymers — •Daniel Braam, Kenichi Tabata, Günther M. Prinz, Yohei Yamamoto, and Axel Lorke
15:00 CPP 54.70 How long is the interfacial length in a nanocomposite system? — •Evangelos Voyiatzis, Florian Müller-Plathe, and Michael Böhm
15:00 CPP 54.71 Work of Adhesion between Metals and Polymers on a Macro- and Microscopic Scale — •Marieke Füllbrandt, Dikran Kesal, and Regine von Klitzing
15:00 CPP 54.72 Structure-Property relationships of Nanocomposites Based on Epoxy and Layered Double Hydroxides — •Jing Leng, Franziska Emmerling, De-Yi Wang, and Andreas Schönhals
15:00 CPP 54.73 Interactions between capped gold nanocrystals in vacuum: presence of three-body effects — •Nadezda Gribova, Gernot Bauer, Christian Holm, and Joachim Groß
15:00 CPP 54.74 The effect of electric fields on CdSe-nanocrystals — •Robert Niemöller, Daniel Braam, Günther M. Prinz, Martin Geller, and Axel Lorke
15:00 CPP 54.75 Unexpected low-frequency dynamics in DGEBA/SiO2 — •Rick Dannert, Patrick Elens, Matthieu Thomassey, Jörg Baller, and Roland Sanctuary
15:00 CPP 54.76 Characterization of the electronic and magnetic structure of multifunctional NaREF4 (RE = rare earth) core-shell nanoparticles — •Lilli Schneider, Thorben Rinkel, Artur Chrobak, Markus Haase, and Karsten Küpper
15:00 CPP 54.77 Role of geometric parameters on nanoparticle-polymer brush composite systems — •Muriel Rovira Esteva, Stefan Wellert, M. Richter, Z. Yenice, O. Soltwedel, and Regine von Klitzing
15:00 CPP 54.78 Plasmonic nanoparticle assemblies with controllable plasmon resonance coupling — •Tobias Honold, Mareen Müller, Andreas Fery, and Matthias Karg
15:00 CPP 54.79 Dendronized polymers replicated with graphene and graphene oxide — •Simone Dell'Elce, Vitalij Scenev, Baozhong Zhang, Nikolai Severin, Dieter Schlüter, and Jürgen P. Rabe
15:00 CPP 54.80 Controlled drug release using nanodiamonds as drug carriers — •Tran Minh Vu, Andrea Kurz, Anna Ermakova, Goutam Pramanik, Boris Naydenov, Yuzhou Wu, Tanja Weil, and Fedor Jelezko
15:00 CPP 54.81 Resonance Energy Transfer Between Nanotubular J-Aggregates and Quantum Dots — •Yan Qiao, Frank Polzer, Sergei Kühn, Sebastian Friede, Stefan Kirstein, and Jürgen Rabe
15:00 CPP 54.82 Long-term time-resolved photoluminescence studies of novel Ruthenocenyldecorated Sn/S cluster — •Nils Rosemann, Eliza Leusmann, Mona Wagner, Stefanie Dehnen, and Sangam Chatterjee
15:00 CPP 54.83 Characterization of carbon nanotube containing polymer membranes — •Tönjes Koschine, Klaus Rätzke, Volker Abetz, Thomas Emmler, Muntazim Munir Khan, Volkan Filiz, Luca Ravelli, Werner Egger, and Franz Faupel
15:00 CPP 54.84 Chain conformation of poly(butylene oxide) silica nanocomposites — •Adrian Hamm, Wim Pyckhout-Hintzen, Andreas Wischnewski, Jürgen Allgaier, and Dieter Richter
15:00 CPP 54.85 Upconversion Quantum Yields of Rare Earth Doped Nanoparticles dependent on dopant concentration — •Martin Kaiser, Würth Christian, Hypännen Iko, Emilia Palo, Soukka Tero, and Resch-Genger Ute
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