Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 16: Glasses (Joint Session with CPP and CY)
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 11:45–12:45, WIL B321
11:45 |
DF 16.1 |
Two-level tunneling systems in amorphous alumina — Alejandro P. Paz, •Irina V. Lebedeva, Ilya V. Tokatly, and Angel Rubio
12:05 |
DF 16.2 |
Resistive Properties of Lithium-Ion Conducting LiSICon Glass Ceramics in Contact with Lithium Metal and Nonaqueous Electrolytes — •Kim Oliver Hofmann, Meike Schneider, Maria-Louisa Reich, Miriam Kunze, and Michael Vogel
12:25 |
DF 16.3 |
Optical properties of trivalent rare-earth ions in barium borate glasses — •Sebastian Loos, Franziska Steudel, Bernd Ahrens, and Stefan Schweizer