Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 18: Dielectric and ferroelectric thin films
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 16:00–18:20, GER 37
16:00 |
DF 18.1 |
An unexpected depolarization current peak in polyethylene oxide — •Bjoern Martin and Herbert Kliem
16:20 |
DF 18.2 |
Correlation between structural and ferroelectric properties of epitaxial PMN-PT films — •Michael Mietschke, Sebastian Fähler, Ludwig Schultz, and Ruben Hühne
16:40 |
DF 18.3 |
First principles study of the electrocaloric effect in strained BaTiO3 — •Madhura Marathe and Claude Ederer
17:00 |
DF 18.4 |
Multilayer Thin Films of Ferroelectric VDF-TrFE Copolymer Characterized by Dielectric Nonlinearities — •Danny von Nordheim, Andreas Austin, K.H. Chew, and Bernd Ploss
17:20 |
DF 18.5 |
Photo-electronic processes in BiFeO3 — •Akash Bhatnagar, Young Heon Kim, Dietrich Hesse, and Marin Alexe
17:40 |
DF 18.6 |
Epitaxial PLD growth of strained ferroelectric KxNax-1NbO3 thin films and superlattices — •Jan Sellmann, Jutta Schwarzkopf, Dorothee Braun, Andreas Duk, Albert Kwasniewski, and Martin Schmidbauer
18:00 |
DF 18.7 |
Asymmetric oxygen vacancy distribution in CaTiO3 capacitors — •Andreas Krause, Walter M. Weber, Uwe Schroeder, Johannes Heitmann, and Thomas Mikolajick