Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 2: Optical and nonlinear optical properties, photonic
Montag, 31. März 2014, 10:30–13:10, GER 37
10:30 |
DF 2.1 |
Domain contrast in photoluminescence at Mg doped LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 single crystals — •Philipp Reichenbach, Thomas Kämpfe, Andreas Thiessen, Mathias Schröder, Alexander Haußmann, Theo Woike, and Lukas M. Eng
10:50 |
DF 2.2 |
THz Polarization Pulse Shaping by Birefringence in LiInS2 Crystal — •Qijun Liang, Shanpeng Wang, Xutang Tao, and Thomas Dekorsy
11:10 |
DF 2.3 |
Optical Modes in Photonic Molecules from Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microcavities — •Tobias Siegle, Sarah Wiegele, Carolin Klusmann, Tobias Großmann, Tobias Wienhold, Uwe Bog, Sebastian Köber, and Heinz Kalt
11:30 |
DF 2.4 |
Boson peak in overdoped manganites La1−xCaxMnO3 — •F. Fischgrabe, E. Zhukova, B Gorshunov, V. I. Torgashev, L. S. Kadyrov, E. A. Motovilova, T. Zhang, R. Kremer, U.S. Pracht, S. Zapf, V. V. Moshnyaga, and M. Dressel
11:50 |
DF 2.5 |
Optical phonons and dielectric properties of LiNbxTa(1−x)O3 — •Michael Rüsing, Christopher Buchholz, Gerhard Berth, Huajin Zhang, and Artur Zrenner
12:10 |
DF 2.6 |
Vibrational properties and directional dispersion of KTP — •Peter Mackwitz, Michael Rüsing, Gerhard Berth, and Artur Zrenner
12:30 |
DF 2.7 |
Visualization of domain gratings in potassium titanyl phosphate by nonlinear microscopy — •Moritz Grothe, Christopher Buchholz, Gerhard Berth, and Artur Zrenner
12:50 |
DF 2.8 |
Determination of the nonlinear susceptibility of LiNbO3-LiTaO3 mixed crystals — •Christopher Buchholz, Merlin Meise, Gerhard Berth, Huajin Zhang, and Artur Zrenner