Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 24: Crystallography in Materials Science (Joint Session with KR)
Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 15:00–17:30, CHE 184
15:00 |
DF 24.1 |
Crystals: Structure, Properties and Heart of Energy Conversion Devices — •Tilmann Leisegang, Juliane Hanzig, Erik Mehner, Matthias Zschornak, Falk Meutzner, Tina Nestler, Bianca Störr, Charaf Cherkouk, Ulrike Wunderwald, and Dirk C. Meyer
15:30 |
DF 24.2 |
Clusters in intermetallic compounds: fullerenes and more — •Julia Dshemuchadse and Walter Steurer
15:45 |
DF 24.3 |
Theoretical investigation of the high pressure structure of CaTe — •Oliver Potzel and Gerhard Taubmann
16:00 |
DF 24.4 |
In-situ ion beam irradiation: X-ray scattering & diffraction experiments — Olga Roshchupkina, Carsten Baehtz, Stefan Facsko, Lothar Bischoff, Matthias Posselt, and •Joerg Grenzer
16:15 |
Coffee break
16:30 |
DF 24.5 |
Focused Ion Beam implantation of Erbium into Y2SiO5 crystals — •Nadezhda Kukharchyk, Jasper Rödiger, Arne Ludwig, Alexey Ustinov, Pavel Bushev, and Andreas D. Wieck
16:45 |
DF 24.6 |
White beam synchrotron x-ray topography of sapphire single crystals — •Atefeh Jafari, Angelica Cecilia, Jürgen Härtwig, Andreas Danilewsky, Dimitrios Bessas, Viktor Asadchikov, Boris Roschin, Denis Zolotov, Alexander Deryabin, Ilya Sergeev, Svetoslav Stankov, Tilo Baumbach, Pavel Alexeev, Hans-Christian Wille, and Raphaël Hermann
17:00 |
DF 24.7 |
Improving Nanomagnetometry Based on Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers by Coupling to Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles — •Nikola Sadzak, Janik Wolters, Andreas W. Schell, Sten Wenzel, and Oliver Benson
17:15 |
DF 24.8 |
Selective preparation of single-crystalline alpha- & beta-phase perylene platelets — •André Pick and Gregor Witte