09:30 |
DF 26.1 |
Topical Talk:
Metamorphic III-V-on-IV structures and its application to optoelectronic devices — Yoshiaki Nakano, •Masakazu Sugiyama, and Takuo Tanemura
10:00 |
DF 26.2 |
Topical Talk:
Two types of buffer layer for the growth of GaN on highly lattice mismatched substrates and their impact on the development of sustainable systems — Tadashi Mitsunari, Koji Okuno, Yoshio Honda, Shigeyasu Tanaka, and •Hiroshi Amano
10:30 |
DF 26.3 |
Influence of the substrate quality on the structural properties of short-period GaN/AlGaN superlattices grown by MBE — •Felix Schubert, Ulrich Merkel, Thomas Mikolajick, and Stefan Schmult
10:45 |
DF 26.4 |
Strain engineering in a-plane GaN - Investigations on anisotropic strain behaviors — •Matthias Wieneke, Martin Feneberg, Michael Winkler, Peter Veit, Armin Dadgar, Jürgen Bläsing, Rüdiger Goldhahn, and Alois Krost
11:00 |
DF 26.5 |
Growth and characterization of non- and semipolar AlInN and possibilities for relaxed buffer layer engineering — •Ernst Ronald Buß, Uwe Rossow, Heiko Bremers, Tobias Meisch, Ferdinand Scholz, and Andreas Hangleiter
11:15 |
Coffee break (15 min.)
11:30 |
DF 26.6 |
Topical Talk:
Development of High Performance Semipolar GaN-based Blue and Green Lasers: Control of Stress Relaxation — •James Speck
12:00 |
DF 26.7 |
Improved X-ray diffraction simulations taking into account inhomogeneities exceeding the coherence length — •Christoph Berger, Dennis Schmidt, Jürgen Bläsing, Armin Dadgar, and Alois Krost
12:15 |
DF 26.8 |
Interactions between dislocations and overgrown v-shaped defects in GaN epitaxial layers — Phillip Weidlich, Michael Schnedler, Holger Eisele, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, and •Philipp Ebert
12:30 |
DF 26.9 |
Optical and structural investigations of the effect of barrier growth on GaInN quantum well structures — •Fedor Alexej Ketzer, Heiko Bremers, Torsten Langer, Uwe Rossow und Andreas Hangleiter
12:45 |
DF 26.10 |
Metamorphic growth of UV-B LEDs on Al0.5Ga0.5N on AlN/Sapphire by MOVPE — •Johannes Enslin, Frank Mehnke, Martin Guttmann, Christoph Reich, Jens Rass, Tim Wernicke, and Michael Kneissl