09:30 |
DF 8.1 |
Ab initio study of electronic transport in the Co/PZT-based tunnel junctions — •Vladislav Borisov, Sergey Ostanin, Igor Maznichenko, Arthur Ernst, and Ingrid Mertig
09:45 |
DF 8.2 |
Tunneling transport and memristive effects in PbTiO3- based multiferroic tunnel junctions — •Andy Quindeau, Marin Alexe, and Dietrich Hesse
10:00 |
DF 8.3 |
Lattice and polarizability mediated spin activity in EuTiO3 — •Annette Bussmann-Holder, Kevin Caslin, Patrick Reuvenkamp, Zurab Guguchia, Hugo Keller, Reinhard Kremer, and Jürgen Köhler
10:15 |
DF 8.4 |
Magnetoelectric coupling in a composite multiferroic structure revealed by Ferromagnetic Resonance — •Alexander Sukhov, Paul P. Horley, Chenglong Jia, and Jamal Berakdar
10:30 |
DF 8.5 |
Magnetoelectric monopoles in bulk periodic solids — •Michael Fechner, Eric Bousquet, Alexander Balatsky, Nicoal A. Spaldin, and Lars Nordström
10:45 |
DF 8.6 |
Different routes for enhanced control of ferroelectric polarization by magnetic field — •I. Fina, V. Skumryev, D. O'Flynn, G. Balakrishnan, N. Dix, J. M. Rebled, P. Gemeiner, X. Marti, F. Peiró, B. Dkhil, F. Sánchez, L. Fàbrega, and J. Fontcuberta
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
DF 8.7 |
Investigation of A-site Bismuth based double perovskites as potential room-temperature multiferroics — •Vikas Shabadi, Mehran VafaeeKhanjani, Mehrdad BaghaieYazdi, Aldin Radetinac, Philipp Komissinskiy, and Lambert Alff
11:30 |
DF 8.8 |
Room temperature magnetism and ferroelectricity in eps-Fe2O3 thin films — •I. Fina, M. Gich, A. Morelli, F. Sánchez, M. Alexe, J. Fontcuberta, and A. Roig
11:45 |
DF 8.9 |
Time-resolved analysis of switching in spiral multiferroics — •Jonas Stein, Tobias Cronert, Jeannis Leist, Karin Schmalzl, A Agung Nugroho, Alexander C Komarek, Götz Eckold, and Markus Braden
12:00 |
DF 8.10 |
Thermodynamic properties of the new multiferroic material (NH4)2[FeCl5(H2O)] — •Matthias Ackermann, Daniel Brüning, Thomas Lorenz, Petra Becker, and Ladislav Bohatý
12:15 |
DF 8.11 |
Stoichiometric Effects on Crystal Quality in LuFe2O4 and YbFe2O4 — •Hailey Williamson, Geetha Balakrisnan, and Manuel Angst
12:30 |
DF 8.12 |
Multiferroicity in Cu2OSeO3? — •Eugen Ruff, Stephan Krohns, Helmuth Berger, Peter Lunkenheimer, and Alois Loidl