
Dresden 2014 – scientific programme

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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 41: Poster - Pattern/ Nonlinear Dyn./ Fluids/ Granular/ Critical Phen.

Thursday, April 3, 2014, 17:00–19:00, P3

17:00 DY 41.1 Formation of salt polygons on salt playas — •Antoine Fourrière and Lucas Goehring
17:00 DY 41.2 Growth of Hair Ice — •Christina Inninger, Lorenz Eichler, Christian Mätzler, and Thomas Grillenbeck
17:00 DY 41.3 Phenomenological simulations of metal layer formation during sputter deposition — •Sven-Jannik Wöhnert, Gunthard Benecke, Matthias Schwartzkopf, and Stephan V. Roth
17:00 DY 41.4 Non-equilibrium dynamics of ordered modulated phases — •Christian Riesch, Günter Radons, and Robert Magerle
17:00 DY 41.5 Optical birefringence in dried laponite films — •Pawan Nandakishore, Anupam Sengupta, and Lucas Goehring
17:00 DY 41.6 Stability of Binary Patterns in Optomechanical Arrays — •Christian Brendel, Roland Lauter, Steven Habraken, Max Ludwig, and Florian Marquardt
17:00 DY 41.7 Functional connectivity of distant cortical regions: role of remote synchronization and network symmetry — •Philipp Hövel and Vesna Vuksanović
17:00 DY 41.8 Aging in systems of classical oscillators — •Florin Ionita, Darka Labavić, and Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
17:00 DY 41.9 Heteroclinic snaking near a heteroclinic chain in dragged meniscus problems — •Mariano Galvagno, Dmitri Tseluiko, and Uwe Thiele
17:00 DY 41.10 Effects of empowerment-driven spins in the 2D-Ising model — •Lukas Everding and Daniel Polani
  17:00 DY 41.11 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 DY 41.12 Multi-point description and time series reconstruction — •Ali Hadjihosseini
17:00 DY 41.13 Wind Farm Optimization with Monte Carlo Methods — •Klaus Nagl and Ingo Morgenstern
17:00 DY 41.14 Bayesian Analysis of Non-Gaussian Long-Range Dependent ProcessesTim Graves, •Nicholas Watkins, Bobby Gramacy, and Christian Franzke
17:00 DY 41.15 Simulating single-molecule pulling experiments: coupling transport and molecular dynamics simulations — •Alessandro Pirrotta, Ignacio Franco, and Gemma C. Solomon
17:00 DY 41.16 POCLMD: A Flexible GPU Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Code — •Chuanfu Luo and Jens-Uwe Sommer
17:00 DY 41.17 Importance of asymmetry for cross-streamline migration of bead spring models in oscillating shear flows — •Matthias Laumann, Diego Kienle, and Walter Zimmermann
17:00 DY 41.18 Dynamics of Bound States in a real-valued Swift-Hohenberg Equation induced by Delayed Feedback — •Felix Tabbert and Svetlana Gurevich
17:00 DY 41.19 Quasiperiodic and chaotic motion of active particles in Poiseuille flow — •Igor Dudas, Andreas Zöttl, and Holger Stark
17:00 DY 41.20 Vorticity distributions in two dimensional forced turbulence — •Markus Blank-Burian
17:00 DY 41.21 Evolution equations for two dimensional elliptic shaped gaussian vortices — •Markus Blank-Burian
17:00 DY 41.22 Fluctuations of orientational order and clustering in a two-dimensional colloidal system under quenched disorder — •Tobias Horn, Sven Deutschländer, Hartmut Löwen, Georg Maret, and Peter Keim
17:00 DY 41.23 Packing of hard spheres in cylinders and applications — •Adil Mughal, Denis Weaire, Ho Kei Chan, and Stefan Hutzler
17:00 DY 41.24 Ab-initio Calculations Show which Metal Melts are Simple Liquids — •Felix Hummel, Jeppe Dyre, Georg Kresse, and Ulf Pedersen
17:00 DY 41.25 Shapes of branched polymer networks — •Christian von Ferber and Marvin Bishop
17:00 DY 41.26 A hydrodynamic approach to driven granular systems — •Mathias Hummel, James Clewett, and Marco G. Mazza
17:00 DY 41.27 Vertically vibrated granular gas with van der Waals Interactions — •Qiong Bai, James P. D. Clewett, Stephan Herminghaus, and Marco G. Mazza
17:00 DY 41.28 Scaling of Wet Particle Collisions — •Thomas Müller, Ingo Rehberg, and Kai Huang
17:00 DY 41.29 Contact angle hysteresis of an evaporizing droplet: control with inkjet printingSimeon Völkel, Thomas Müller, Ingo Rehberg, and •Kai Huang
17:00 DY 41.30 Measuring contact forces in 3D inside granular packing — •Junaid M. Laskar, Stephan Herminghaus, Matthias Schröter, and Karen E. Daniels
17:00 DY 41.31 Structural and mechanical properties of random packings of spherocylinders: a simulation study — •Pascal Wieland and Claus Heussinger
17:00 DY 41.32 How do spaghetti make contacts? — •Cyprian Lewandowski, Christian Brosowski, Max Neudecker, Claus Heussinger, and Matthias Schröter
17:00 DY 41.33 Plant roots growing in granular media: intelligent penetrators? — •Caroline Bauer, Rebecca Liese, Ina Christin Meier, Kai Huang, and Matthias Schröter
17:00 DY 41.34 Statistics of 2D granular assemblies comprised of polygonal particles — •Volker Becker and Klaus Kassner
17:00 DY 41.35 Contemplating coincidences: Rigorous testing for synchrony between event-related time series — •Reik V. Donner and Jonathan F. Donges
17:00 DY 41.36 Loop Percolation with non standard critical behavior — •Matthias J. F. Hoffmann, Susan Nachtrab, Gerd E. Schröder-Turk, and Klaus Mecke
17:00 DY 41.37 Percolation threshold on planar Euclidean Gabriel Graphs — •Christoph Norrenbrock
17:00 DY 41.38 Kinetic Growth Random Walks — •Johannes Bock, Niklas Fricke, and Wolfhard Janke
17:00 DY 41.39 Domain growth and coarsening of liquid droplets in vapor medium in a phase separating van der Waals fluid with SPH in three dimensions — •Martin Pütz and Peter Nielaba
17:00 DY 41.40 Melting of 2D solids under quenched disorder — •Sven Deutschländer, Tobias Horn, Hartmut Löwen, Georg Maret, and Peter Keim
17:00 DY 41.41 Transmuted finite-size scaling at first-order phase transitions with exponential degeneracy of ordered states — •Marco Mueller, Wolfhard Janke, and Desmond A. Johnston
17:00 DY 41.42 Information-theoretic analysis of ground-state phase transitions for 2D and 3D frustrated spin systems — •Oliver Melchert and Alexander K. Hartmann
17:00 DY 41.43 On the uniform sampling of ground states in the 2D ± J Ising spin glass model — •Hamid Khoshbakht and Martin Weigel
17:00 DY 41.44 Analysis of localisation-delocalisation transitions in corner-sharing tetrahedral lattices — •Martin Puschmann, Philipp Cain, and Michael Schreiber
17:00 DY 41.45 Thermodynamic Casimir Forces between a Sphere and a Plate: Monte Carlo Simulation of a Spin Model — •Martin Hasenbusch
17:00 DY 41.46 Critical Temperature of the Ising Ferromagnet on Proximity Graphs derived from Square Lattices by Site Displacement — •Hendrik Schawe, Christoph Norrenbrock, and Alexander K. Hartmann
17:00 DY 41.47 Direct simulation of critical Casimir forces — •Hendrik Hobrecht and Fred Hucht
17:00 DY 41.48 Critical Casimir force in the presence of random local adsorption preference — •Francesco Parisen Toldin
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2014 > Dresden