Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 68: Heterostructures and interfaces
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 15:00–17:00, POT 051
15:00 |
HL 68.1 |
Electronic properties of the ideal Fe/GaAs(110) interface — •Tim Iffländer, Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, Lars Winking, Rainer G. Ulbrich, and Martin Wenderoth
15:15 |
HL 68.2 |
Early stages of nucleation in Cu/a-Si system — •Mohammed Ibrahim, Zoltán Balogh, Dietmar Baither, Patrick Stender, and Guido Schmitz
15:30 |
HL 68.3 |
An XPS study on AlxGa1-xN/metal oxide hetero interfaces with ZnO and CuOx, respectively — •Benedikt Kramm, André Portz, Philipp Hering, Achim Kronenberger, Angelika Polity, and Bruno K. Meyer
15:45 |
HL 68.4 |
Heteroepitaxial growth of GaP on Si(111) — •Agnieszka Paszuk, Weihong Zhao, Matthias Steidl, Sebastian Brückner, Anja Dobrich, Oliver Supplie, Peter Kleinschmidt, and Thomas Hannappel
16:00 |
HL 68.5 |
In situ RAS and ab initio DFT study of GaP/Si(100) interface structures — •Oliver Supplie, Sebastian Brückner, Oleksandr Romanyuk, Peter Kleinschmidt, Henning Döscher, Frank Grosse, and Thomas Hannappel
16:15 |
HL 68.6 |
Effect of growth conditions on electrical properties of epitaxial GaP/Si (100) — •Emad H. Hussein, Fariba Hatami, and W. Ted Masselink
16:30 |
HL 68.7 |
THz Transmission Spectroscopy of Charge Carriers in Semiconductor Heterostructures with epitaxial, complementary doped gate — •Shovon Pal, Hanond Nong, Sascha Valentin, Arne Ludwig, Nathan Jukam, and Andreas D. Wieck
16:45 |
HL 68.8 |
Investigation of interband dynamics in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots — •Daniel Stephan, Jayeeta Bhattacharyya, Manfred Helm, Yongheng Huo, Oliver Schmidt, Armando Rastelli, and Harald Schneider