Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 29: Magnetization Dynamics II
Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 15:00–18:15, HSZ 401
15:00 |
MA 29.1 |
Damping due to spin-lattice coupling — •Matthias Assmann and Ulrich Nowak
15:15 |
MA 29.2 |
Comparison of different theories for femtosecond demagnetization — •Karel Carva, Dominik Legut, Marco Battiato, and Peter M. Oppeneer
15:30 |
MA 29.3 |
Ultrafast demagnetization after laser irradiation: The influence of reduced exchange splitting — •Christian Illg, Michael Haag, and Manfred Fähnle
15:45 |
MA 29.4 |
Ultrafast demagnetization in transition metals - comparing ab-initio electron-phonon and electron-magnon rates — •Michael Haag, Christian Illg, and Manfred Fähnle
16:00 |
MA 29.5 |
Ultrafast relaxation dynamics of majority and minority electrons in ferromagnetic metals — Benedikt Y. Mueller, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, Hans Christian Schneider, and •Baerbel Rethfeld
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
MA 29.6 |
Ab initio study of relativistic effects in femtosecond magneto-optics — Ritwik Mondal, Karel Carva, and •Peter M. Oppeneer
16:45 |
MA 29.7 |
Ultrafast electrical control of the exchange interaction — •Johan H. Mentink and Martin Eckstein
17:00 |
MA 29.8 |
Microscopic electronic configurations during ultrafast magnetisation dynamics — Inka Locht, Igor Di Marco, Silvano Garnerone, Raghuveer Chimata, Anna Delin, Olle Eriksson, and •Marco Battiato
17:15 |
MA 29.9 |
Gilbert damping tensor within the breathing Fermi surface model: anisotropy and non-locality — •Danny Thonig and Jürgen Henk
17:30 |
MA 29.10 |
Supermagnonic Bloch point propagation in cylindrical nanowires — •Christian Andreas, Attila Kákay, and Riccardo Hertel
17:45 |
MA 29.11 |
Energy dissipation of moved magnetic vortices — •Martin Magiera
18:00 |
MA 29.12 |
ON THE KRAMERS VERY LOW DAMPING ESCAPE RATE FOR POINT PARTICLES AND CLASSICAL SPINS — •William T. Coffey, William J. Dowling, Yuri P. Kalmykov, and Serguey V. Titov