Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 11: Microstructure and Phase Transformations II - Nucleation/Solidification
Montag, 31. März 2014, 11:30–13:00, IFW B
11:30 |
MM 11.1 |
Determination of nucleation rates in a miscibility gap — •Christian Simon, Yikun Zhang, and Gerhard Wilde
11:45 |
MM 11.2 |
Dependence of accessible undercooling on prior liquid overheating by differential fast scanning calorimeter — •Bin Yang, John H. Perepezko, Jürn W. P. Schmelzer, Yulai Gao, and Christoph Schick
12:00 |
MM 11.3 |
Analysis of the size effect and interfacial structure on the solidification and melting behavior of embedded Bi nanoparticles — •Tae Eun Song, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
12:15 |
MM 11.4 |
Dendritic growth of tenfold twins from an undercooled melt of NiZr — •Raphael Kobold, Wolfgang Hornfeck, Matthias Kolbe, and Dieter Herlach
12:30 |
MM 11.5 |
Kristallisationsverhalten und Kompositionsbestimmung von GeSbTe auf Si(111) mittels in-situ Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie — •Katja Hagemann, Xiang Kong und Achim Trampert
12:45 |
MM 11.6 |
Dendritic growth kinetics of undercooled Fe-B alloy melts — •Christian Karrasch, Thomas Volkmann, and Dieter Herlach