Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 13: Topical Session: Nanomechanics of nanostructured materials and systems III - Small scale plasticity
Montag, 31. März 2014, 15:45–17:45, BAR 205
15:45 |
MM 13.1 |
Topical Talk:
Elevated Temperature, In-situ Microcompression Methods — •Johann Michler, Rejin Raghavan, and Jeffrey Wheeler
16:15 |
MM 13.2 |
Finite volume effects on dislocation organization and associated size effects in strength — •Erica Lilleodden and Henry Ovri
16:30 |
MM 13.3 |
Size-dependent plasticity in KCl and LiF single crystals: Influence of orientation, temperature, pre-straining and doping — •Yu Zou and Ralph Spolenak
16:45 |
15 min break
17:00 |
MM 13.4 |
Influence of microalloying on the mechanical properties of molybdenum disilicide — •Carolin Puscholt, Steffen Neumeier, Mathias Göken, and Sandra Korte-Kerzel
17:15 |
MM 13.5 |
On The Importance Of Twinning Wedges in Nanowhisker Bending — Johannes J. Möller, Wolfram Nöhring, and •Erik Bitzek
17:30 |
MM 13.6 |
Mechanical stability of quasi one-dimensional nanostructures (nanowires) — •Charlotte Ensslen, Oliver Kraft, and Reiner Mönig