Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 23: Electron Microscopy I - Nanomaterials
Dienstag, 1. April 2014, 10:15–11:30, IFW D
10:15 |
MM 23.1 |
Analytical EDX studies at different temperatures of Boron/Ni composite nanowires — •Daniela Sudfeld, Bastian Barton, Oleg Lourie, and Bert Freitag
10:30 |
MM 23.2 |
Evolution of the microstructure of amorphous FeNiP nanowire arrays upon in-situ annealing in TEM — •Nina Winkler, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
10:45 |
MM 23.3 |
Nucleation of embedded Pb nanoparticles in an Al(Ga) matrix — •Anna Moros, Sorin Lazar, Harald Rösner, Peter Schlossmacher, and Gerhard Wilde
11:00 |
MM 23.4 |
Characteristics of shear bands in metallic glasses investigated by analytical TEM — •Vitalij Schmidt, Harald Rösner, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
11:15 |
MM 23.5 |
Density of Grain Boundaries — •Yulia Buranova, Sergiy Divinskiy, Harald Rösner, and Gerhard Wilde