18:00 |
MM 34.1 |
Simulation of abnormal grain growth in nanocrystalline materials — •Mingyan Wang, Jules Dake, Rainer Birringer, and Carl Krill
18:00 |
MM 34.2 |
Grain boundary enthalpy changes by mechanical deformation of nanocrystalline alloys — •Michael Deckarm, Jonathan Schäfer, Patric Gruber, Karsten Albe, and Rainer Birringer
18:00 |
MM 34.3 |
Optimization of a Nanocalorimeter inside an SEM — •Emanuel Franke, Cynthia A. Volkert, Feng Yi, and David A. LaVan
18:00 |
MM 34.4 |
Spatial and orientational tracking of Ostwald ripening in semisolid Al-Cu by 3DXRD microscopy — •James C. Shatto, Jules Dake, Thomas Werz, Jette Oddershede, Henning Sørensen, Søren Schmidt, and Carl Krill
18:00 |
MM 34.5 |
Cooling rate dependend short and medium range order of a CuZrAl glass analyzed by comparing XRD data and MD simulations — •Helmut Hermann, Valentin Kokotin, Uta Kühn, Björn Schwarz, Ivan Kaban, and Horst Wendrock
18:00 |
MM 34.6 |
Visualization of scattering properties by Neutron Grating Interferometry — •Benedikt Betz, Eberhard Lehman, Rudolf Schaefer, Peter Rauscher, and Christian Gruenzweig
18:00 |
MM 34.7 |
Influence of different loading stresses to duplex steel in the VHCF regime — •Anne Hüsecken, Marcus Söker, Konstantin Istomin, Benjamin Dönges, and Ullrich Pietsch
18:00 |
MM 34.8 |
Simulation of Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle Scattering on Cu nano-size clusters — Celine Durniak, •Marina Ganeva, Christiane A. Helm, Rainer Hippler, Oxana Ivanova, Gennady Pospelov, Walter Van Herck, and Joachim Wuttke
18:00 |
MM 34.9 |
Heterogeneous shear elasticity of glasses: Instability, anharmonicity and fractional-power scaling — •Walter Schirmacher, Alessia Marruzzo, Andrea Fratalocchi, Giancarlo Ruocco, and Tullio Scopigno
18:00 |
MM 34.10 |
Showdown! Comparing phase field simulations to time-resolved x-ray tomography measurements of Ostwald ripening in 3D — Thomas Werz, Nan Wang, Michael Heinze, Stefan Odenbach, Long-Qing Chen, and •Carl Krill
18:00 |
MM 34.11 |
The Grain Mapper at the High Energy Beamline HEMS — •Torben Fischer, Lars Lottermoser, Sven Kleeband, Norbert Schell, Martin Müller, and Andreas Schreyer
18:00 |
MM 34.12 |
Ordered Mesoporous Thin Films; Elastic Modulus Determination by Humidity Driven Pore Lattice Deformation — •Parvin Sharifi, Benedetta Marmiroli, Barbara Sartori, Fernando Cacho-Nerin, Hienz Amenitsch, Christian Ganser, Christian Teichert, and Oskar Paris
18:00 |
MM 34.13 |
In-situ tomography on the magnetostructural transition of La(Fe,Si)13 — •Anja Waske, Bruno Weise, Konstantin Skokov, Stefan Schmiederer, Alexander Rack, Wolfgang Ludwig, Oliver Gutfleisch, and Jürgen Eckert
18:00 |
MM 34.14 |
Combined X-ray/Neutron reflectometer NREX - advanced tool for studying surfaces films and heterostructures — •Olaf Soltwedel, Yury Khaydukov, Thomas Keller, Franz Tralmer, Manfred Ohl, and Bernhard Keimer
18:00 |
MM 34.15 |
In-situ high energy x-ray diffraction studies on the phase evolution during decomposition of arc evaporated (Ti,-Cr,-Al)N coatings — •Daniel M. Ostach, Norbert Schell, Andreas Schreyer, Jens Birch, Jeremy Schroeder, Lina Rogström, Matts P. Johansson-Jõeasaar, and Rachid M'Saoubi
18:00 |
MM 34.16 |
Development and integration of an intelligent detector for grating based phase-contrast tomography — •Pavel Lytaev, Felix Beckmann, Julia Herzen, Alexander Hipp, Stephan Meyer-Loges, Joern Plewka, Andreas Kopmann, Michele Caselle, and Andreas Schreyer
18:00 |
MM 34.17 |
Band gap measurement of SiC nanowires by Valence EELS — •Anja Bonatto Minella, Darius Pohl, Christine Täschner, Rolf Erni, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
18:00 |
MM 34.18 |
one-dimensional metal nanowire arrays prepared by hard-template synthetic method for SERS — •yong-tae kim, stefan l. schweizer, and ralf b. wehrspohn
18:00 |
MM 34.19 |
Impact of hydrodynamic parameters on the regularity of self-assembling nanostructures — •Dennis Langenkämper, Stefan Ostendorp, Nina Winkler, Jörn Leuthold, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
18:00 |
MM 34.20 |
Core-shell nanoparticles from the gas phase — •Jörg Pribbenow, Alexander Surrey, Darius Pohl, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
18:00 |
MM 34.21 |
Investigation of Nanoparticle Growth in a Dusty Acetylene Plasma — •Alexander Hinz, Erik von Wahl, Maik Fröhlich, Thomas Strunskus, and Holger Kersten
18:00 |
MM 34.22 |
Crystalline structure of silver nanowires within a soft template — •Egon Steeg, Frank Polzer, Holm Kirmse, Yan Qiao, Jürgen P. Rabe, and Stefan Kirstein
18:00 |
MM 34.23 |
TEM investigation of segregation phenomena in Nd-Fe-B nanoparticles — •Frank Schmidt, Darius Pohl, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
18:00 |
MM 34.24 |
Transport Properties of Single TiO2 Nanotubes — •Markus Stiller, Jose Barzola-Quiquia, Israel Lorite, Pablo Esquinazi, Robin Kirchgeorg, Sergiu P. Albu, and Patrik Schmuki
18:00 |
MM 34.25 |
Molecular dynamics simulations of morphology transitions during growth of copper nanoclusters — •Alexey Tal, E. Peter Münger, Nils Brenning, Iris Pilch, Ulf Helmersson, and Igor Abrikosov
18:00 |
MM 34.26 |
Grain Refinement in Ball-Milled Nanocrystalline Iron in Dependence of its Oxygen Content — •Marie Trynogga, Christine Borchers, and Reiner Kirchheim
18:00 |
MM 34.27 |
Analysis of the pressure dependence of plasticity in nanocrystalline Pd90Au10 — •Anja Steinbach, Nicole Fèvre, Christian Braun, and Rainer Birringer
18:00 |
MM 34.28 |
Solute content and structural configuration dependent mechanical properties of nanocrystalline PdAu alloys — •Nicole Fèvre, Christian Braun, Michael Deckarm, Jonas Heppe, Andreas Leibner, and Rainer Birringer
18:00 |
MM 34.29 |
Microstructure, Texture and Properties of severly twinned copper wires — •Alexander Kauffmann, Jens Freudenberger, Hansjörg Klauß, Volker Klemm, Wolfram Schillinger, V. Subramanya Sarma, and Ludwig Schultz
18:00 |
MM 34.30 |
Ab-initio study of impurities diffusion in copper — •Anton Bochkarev and Maxim Popov
18:00 |
MM 34.31 |
effect of gap-size on phonon tunneling in Au(111)/vacuum/Au(111) — •Saeideh Edalati Boostan, Michael Czerner, Michael Bachmann, and Christian Heiliger
18:00 |
MM 34.32 |
Calculations of Thermal Conductivity across an Interface using Beam Matching — Debanjan Basu, •Cynthia Volkert, Christian Jooss, and Peter Bloechl
18:00 |
MM 34.33 |
Accessing the excitation and relaxation pathways in the ultrafast Carrier dynamics of BaSnO3:La perovskite — •Kestutis Budzinauskas, Rolf Versteeg, Matteo Montagnese, Xuan Luo, Sang W. Cheong, and Paul H.M. Van Loosdrecht
18:00 |
MM 34.34 |
Interdiffusion studies of B2 Ni-Al-Si alloys at 1173 K — •Dandan Liu, Lijun Zhang, Yong Du, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
18:00 |
MM 34.35 |
Scanning Transmission Electron Tomography on three-dimensional defects in semiconductor heterostructures — •Michael Niehle and Achim Trampert
18:00 |
MM 34.36 |
Lateral Resolved EELS on organic bulk heterojunctions - a low-dose approach to optimized spatial and energy resolution in the TEM — •Anne K. Kast, Martin Pfannmöller, Marco Oster, Philipp Wachsmuth, Ralf Hambach, Gerd Benner, Diana Nanova, Robert Lovrincic, Wolfgang Kowalsky, Ute Kaiser, and Rasmus R. Schröder
18:00 |
MM 34.37 |
STEM with focused vortex beams - a route towards local EMCD measurements? — •Darius Pohl, Sebastian Schneider, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
18:00 |
MM 34.38 |
Combined experimental and theoretical study showing D1a-type local order in Ni-Re — •Sascha B. Maisel, Nils Schindzielorz, Alessandro Mottura, Roger Reed, and Stefan Müller
18:00 |
MM 34.39 |
A synchrotron analysis of deformation-induced martensitic transformation in the as-cast Cu40Co10Zr50 — •Fatemeh A. Javid, Norbert Mattern, Jozef Bednarcik, Mohammad Siahatgar, Mihai Stoica, Simon Pauly, and Jürgen Eckert
18:00 |
MM 34.40 |
Dependence of accessible undercooling on prior liquid overheating by differential fast scanning calorimeter — •Bin Yang, John H. Perepezko, Jürn W. P. Schmelzer, Yulai Gao, and Christoph Schick