Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 48: Topical session: X-ray and neutron scattering in materials science I - Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging of Excitations in Metal Nanoparticles
Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 10:15–11:30, BAR 205
10:15 |
MM 48.1 |
Structural study of CuZr and Cu50Zr45Al5 metallic glasses in relation to their GFA and mechanical properties — •Ivan Kaban, Pal Jovari, Benjamin Escher, Adam Webb, Tom Regier, Brigitte Beuneu, Valentin Kokotin, Norbert Mattern, and Jürgen Eckert
10:30 |
MM 48.2 |
Static atomic displacements of Fe-27 at.% Pt in the Invar regime — •Cédric Sax and Bernd Schönfeld
10:45 |
MM 48.3 |
Hydrogen desorption pathway of Mg(BH4)2 probed by in-situ X-ray Raman scattering — •Simon Kujawski, Christian Sternemann, Arndt Remhof, Christoph Sahle, Yigang Yan, Nicholas Stadie, Kolja Mende, Ali Al Zein, and Metin Tolan
11:00 |
MM 48.4 |
Hydrogen absorption in Mg-Ti multilayers studied by neutron re*ectometry — •Maximilian Skoda, Christian Kinane, Raymond Fan, Sean Langridge, William David, Andrea Baldi, Bernard Dam, Herman Schreuders, and Ronald Griessen
11:15 |
MM 48.5 |
Electrode Lithiation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Investigated by In-Operando Neutron Reflectometry — Bujar Jerliu, Erwin Hüger, Beatrix-Kamelia Seidlhofer, Roland Steitz, and •Harald Schmidt