Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 49: Computational Materials Modelling VII - Grain boundaries & Interfaces
Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 10:15–11:45, IFW D
10:15 |
MM 49.1 |
Theoretical study of hydrogen trapping and diffusion at grain boundaries in nickel — •Davide Di Stefano, Matous Mrovec, and Christian Elsaesser
10:30 |
MM 49.2 |
Ab-initio study of hydrogen trapping by kappa-carbides in an austenitic Fe matrix — •Poulumi Dey, Roman Nazarov, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
10:45 |
MM 49.3 |
Ab-initio prediction of the critical thickness of a precipitate in molybdenum — •Sankari Sampath and Rebecca Janisch
11:00 |
MM 49.4 |
Hot or cold: A guide on how to determine an optimal simulation temperature in the Potts model for normal grain growth — •Dana Zöllner
11:15 |
MM 49.5 |
Atomistic simulation of a severe plastic deformation-induced "high-energy" state of grain boundaries — •Lisa Neier, Sergiy Divinski, Anantha Padmanabhan, and Gerhard Wilde
11:30 |
MM 49.6 |
Driving force and temperature dependence of grain boundary motion — •Christian Brandl, Danny Perez, Timothy C. Germann, and Oliver Kraft