Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 56: Liquid and Amorphous Metals IV
Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 11:30–13:00, IFW A
11:30 |
MM 56.1 |
Scenarios of structure stabilization in amorphous AlMnCu — •Syed Sajid Ali Gillani and Peter Häussler
11:45 |
MM 56.2 |
Investigations of temperature-time-transformation behavior of bulk glass forming alloys — •Stefanie Koch, Dieter M. Herlach, and Markus Rettenmayr
12:00 |
MM 56.3 |
Indication for a liquid-liquid phase transition during ultrafast heating of metallic glasses — •Stefan Küchemann, Norbert Mattern, and Konrad Samwer
12:15 |
MM 56.4 |
Thermal Conductivity of Superconducting Bulk Metallic Glasses in the Temperature Range between 6 mK and 300 K — •Daniel Rothfuss, Andreas Reiser, Andreas Fleischmann, Uta Kühn, and Christian Enss
12:30 |
MM 56.5 |
Heat flow analysis of amorphous solids using dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DDSC) — •Birte Riechers, Ranko Richert, Carsten Mahn, and Konrad Samwer
12:45 |
MM 56.6 |
High-resolution laser dilatometry applied to volume equilibration phenomena in bulk metallic glasses — •Martin Luckabauer, Uta Kühn, Jürgen Eckert, and Wolfgang Sprengel