Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 6: Microstructure and Phase Transformations I - Martensitic phase transformations
Montag, 31. März 2014, 10:15–11:15, IFW B
10:15 |
MM 6.1 |
Nucleation and growth of martensite in epitaxial magnetic shape memory films — •Robert Niemann, Anja Backen, Hanuš Seiner, Sandra Kauffmann-Weiss, Christian Behler, Ulrich K. Rößler, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler
10:30 |
MM 6.2 |
Composition-dependent atomic positions in Ti-Nb martensites — •Matthias Bönisch, Mariana Calin, Lars Giebeler, Arne Helth, Annett Gebert, Werner Skrotzki, and Jürgen Eckert
10:45 |
MM 6.3 |
Laser annealing of Fe7Pd3 ferromagnetic shape memory thin films — •Ariyan Arabi-Hashemi, Martin Ehrhardt, Pierre Lorenz, Dietmar Hirsch, Klaus Zimmer, and Stefan G. Mayr
11:00 |
MM 6.4 |
Mesoscopic twinning of nanotwinned martensites in eptiaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films: A TEM study — •Christian Behler, Anja Backen, Hanuš Seiner, Robert Niemann, Sandra Kauffmann-Weiss, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler