Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 64: Topical session: X-ray and neutron scattering in materials science V - X-ray Nanodiffraction Characterization of Inhomogeneous Structural and Mechanical Properties of Thin Films
Freitag, 4. April 2014, 10:15–11:30, BAR 205
10:15 |
MM 64.1 |
Topical Talk:
X-ray Nanodiffraction Characterization of Inhomogeneous Structural and Mechanical Properties of Thin Films — •Jozef Keckes
10:45 |
MM 64.2 |
Local strain and magnetization studies in single magnetoelectric microcomposites — •Stjepan Hrkac, Madjid Abes, Christian Koops, Christina Krywka, Martin Müller, Jeffrey McCord, Sören Kaps, Yogendra Mishra, Rainer Adelung, Manfred Burghammer, Olaf Magnussen, and Bridget Murphy
11:00 |
MM 64.3 |
Spider vibration sensor studied by X-ray scattering — •Maxim Erko, Friedrich G. Barth, Peter Fratzl, and Yael Politi
11:15 |
MM 64.4 |
Investigation of the piezoelectric behaviour in bones on a micrometer length scale — •D.C.F. Wieland, D. Kluess, E. Mick, C. Krywka, R. Willumeit, and R. Bader